False ALARM Triggered Mass PANIC


The residents of Nantucket, Massachusetts are terrified that they’ll get a shipment of migrants. Their friends on the neighboring island of Martha’s Vineyard had a load delivered to their well manicured doorsteps recently and lost their minds. The asylees were immediately handed over to the National Guard and stashed on a military base for safekeeping until they could be deported out of state. These alleged liberals are so paranoid they are scouring thorough charter flight schedules. A false alarm triggered a mass panic attack.

Nantucket exceptionally nervous

Police on the Massachusetts island of Nantucket got a tip that local airport officials “observed ‘similarities‘ with the flights that recently brought migrants to Martha’s Vineyard last month.

They instantly pulled the red buzzer on the wall and scrambled swat teams. After that, they reached out to the charter company who set them straight.

The migrant scare turned out to be a false alarm but that didn’t stop local progressives from showing their true racist colors. They should be overwhelmed by guilt and shame but they’ll shrug it off and make excuses, as always.

The Nantucket police issued a statement on the town’s website to assure rattled residents that they’re fully on top of the situation and detailed all the known facts.

Dispatchers were contacted by officials at airport operations about a “suspicious” flight. “The purpose of the call was to inform the Nantucket Police Department that the reported scheduled flight had many similarities to the flight and incident that occurred on Martha’s Vineyard.” Instantly dropping their donuts, police contacted the suspect company.

They reported the chartered flight is a business flight for a group out of Chicago.” Wow, that’s a relief. Even better, they smell like money. “Officers also contacted the company and learned the scheduled flight will be carrying executives from an investment company.

The information is credible

Once Nantucket officials checked the charter operator’s story, to make absolutely certain it matched with official corporate travel records, they canceled the red-alert. “We believe this information to be credible,” police are relieved to acknowledge.

The state is still reeling from the effects of 50 visiting migrants from Venezuela. All the Martha’s Vineyard lawns had been meticulously mowed already and they can barely find a closet under the stairs for their own maids to sleep in. They had no choice but entertain their unexpected guests until the National Guard could come and take custody.

Sending the overflow of migrants from border states to sanctuary cities is nothing but a political stunt, Nantucket citizens sneer. Asylees are great but not in their back yard.

Massachusetts officials are pleased to report that as of Friday, October 7, “all of the Venezuelan migrants have left a temporary shelter that was established for them at Joint Base Cape Cod.” All have been deported elsewhere. They don’t care where as long as it isn’t near Boston.

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker issued an official statement after the Nantucket crisis was safely contained. He was grateful for the “collaborative efforts between several state agencies and non-profit providers.” Recently, An “overly zealous and probably Democrat-registered National Guardsman in Massachusetts harassed a tour bus full of senior citizens, falsely believing they were unwanted immigrants evading detention and headed to Cape Cod.

As Deep State Rabbit Hole reports, he “acted like a maniac with road rage as he dogged the terrified vacationers all the way to their hotel. That’s when somebody called the cops on him.

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