Farmer fast thinking and fluid tactics appear to be a highly effective way to implement peaceful protest. In the Dutch Netherlands, “unreasonable” agrarians are teaching the whole world a lesson on how it’s done. As of Sunday morning, July 10, here in the land of the free and the home of the brave, it seems the Netherlands are on the brink of civil war or something a whole lot like it. Farmers across Europe are joining in, because the New World Order wants to wipe them out next. Everywhere else, they’re taking notes. The latest tweet says: “The Netherlands is going on involuntary lockdown tomorrow as farmers are taking their frustration with government response to the cities. Every major municipality will be hit by blockades. Buckle up Rutte.”
A farmer revolt
It’s really getting hot in Holland. Every farmer in the Dutch Netherlands has literally taken to the streets with their pitchforks and torches. Technology has greatly improved since that day at the Bastille, so the peasants brought along their tractors, too.
This way, they’re also well supplied with haybales and fertilizer. Talk about improvised weapons! The globalist Green New Deal is about to force the land of windmills out of the tulip business. All those travelers through Amsterdam are really gonna miss the cannabis. Half of Europe will starve because the Netherlands grows their food but the Dutch officials think they can solve the food crisis at home by importing it from the place who imports it from them. Somehow, the math doesn’t add up to anything but oblivion. First for the farmers, then the rest of the human race.
That’s the stakes we’re up against. Practically every farmer and rancher across the Netherlands has vowed to fight compliance with “the government’s move to ruin their operations.” The government has clearly admitted “farms will have to shut down in areas which are particularly vulnerable to the impact of nitrogen-based pollution.” A bunch of them.
BREAKING: The Netherlands is going on involuntary lockdown tomorrow as farmers are taking their frustration with government response to the cities. Every major municipality will be hit by blockades. Buckle up Rutte.
— Keean Bexte 🇳🇱 (@TheRealKeean) July 9, 2022
That’s when the “Farmers Defence Force” was born. Farmers have been blockading roads with their tractors and haybales on different roads and highways. “Police attempted to remove the haybales but to no avail, as cameras filmed the officers struggle to move them off the streets.”
The average Dutch farmer learned to use hit and run tactics to pop up and disrupt things one place, then break up, move on and disrupt things someplace else. You can tell they paid close attention to what happened with the Freedom Convoy in Canada. The one which soon went global.
In the Netherlands, farmers aren’t out there talking about what they might be doing, they’re building barricades, torching haybales in the street and squirting smelly fertilizer all over government buildings and in front of officials’ homes. They also shut down the food distribution network. Supermarket shelves are bare. Arresting farmers won’t put more produce on the table.
Several ‘stinky’ town halls
According to Dutch news, one farmer protest group “drove their tractors to several town halls and spread manure outside the town hall in Apeldoorn. Others turned up at the home of nature minister Christianne van der Wal, but this time she was not home.” It’s a good thing she wasn’t. The cops were wishing they weren’t there.
“Some protesters drove their tractors to Christianne van der Wal’s home, breaking through a police blockade protecting the house, with some officers reporting that they needed to flee for their own safety.” Unreasonable rebels “also launched fireworks on the property and dumped manure on the road.”
As Keean Bexte tweeted, “the Dutch protesters are pouring manure on government offices, flooding streets, and becoming all together ungovernable. This uprising is in response to the WEF controlled government shutting down farms to ‘save the planet.’” Save the lump of rock by killing off the humans who threaten it.
The Dutch protesters are pouring manure on government offices, flooding streets, and becoming all together ungovernable. This uprising is in response to the WEF controlled government shutting down farms to "save the planet." You have to see this:— Keean Bexte 🇳🇱 (@TheRealKeean) July 2, 2022
Police have a good excuse for not doing anything. They claim on Twitter that “they had been unable to intervene because of the risk to officers’ own safety but that they would now track down the perpetrators.” It’s all on camera. Big Brother was watching every farmer.
The way the government sees it, each and every farmer owes a duty to sacrifice their life and livelihood for the socialist state. “The government has to set a limit. The farmers need to know what a democracy is, and that they are part of it. Ultimately you are expected to accept decisions that have been made democratically. There are always people who draw the short straw.” Soon there won’t be a straw to pull.
The old saying talks about a broom straw, which gets grown, not a plastic straw that gets used once then sits around doing nothing for a couple million years. The Dutch government makes it clear. “We do not accept disturbances to public order, violence and threats: we arrest offenders within the limits.” Okay, how do you do that and not have half of Europe starve? “That is sometimes more difficult with these farmer protest than with some other demonstrations.” Then there are those guerrilla tactics the farmers are using so well against them. “Also because the action is very spread out.“