FBI Raids Pence

In the midst of the Joe Biden classified document scandal, Mike Pence thought it would be a good idea to check his house.

He did, and, of course, he found classified documents.

Now the FBI is heading to his house to do another search.

They’re Coming

The Pence situation is far different from both Trump and Biden.

While I will hold him accountable for having the documents, he not only secured them and alerted Archives, but he also made a public statement right away.

Unlike the Biden camp that drips out information drop by drop, Pence turned the faucet all the way open, clearly with nothing to hide.

Even so, the FBI wants to play it safe and will be knocking on Pence’s door to check for more documents.

What would be nice, however, is to know when the person running National Archives will be held responsible.

They seemed to know all about Trump’s missing documents, but when it comes to boxes of documents at Biden’s and Pence’s documents, they did not have a clue.

It sure would be nice to see some heads on a platter over this.

Source: Fox News

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