Groomer Councilman Harassed and Outed by Protesters


New York City councilman Erik Bottcher doesn’t mind sharing his wokeness at drag queen story hour but he totally freaked out to find the “groomer” graffiti chalked all over the front of his apartment building. His neighbors are looking at him funny and hiding their kids.

Groomer outed by protesters

Local concerned citizens angered by an elected “groomer” of children, spewing filth at their public library, vented their fury with chalk. Councilman Erik Bottcher fended off protesters at the “children’s drag queen reading event he sponsored” on Saturday.

He soon learned that he didn’t leave the fervent protests behind. On Monday, December 19, angry parents “broke into his apartment building” while others “graffitied the sidewalk in front of his home.

Bottcher had been “confronted by demonstrators outside the event” held Saturday in Manhattan. He wasn’t thrilled that protesting conservatives “attacked his home.

Even Mayor Eric Adams condemned the incident as “completely outrageous.” Meanwhile, concerned parents call drag queen shows targeting kids “completely outrageous.” That seems like a standoff. Now, all Bottcher’s neighbors know he’s a groomer. At least, a supporter of the despicable practice.

The disgraced councilman took to Twitter with images of the graffiti and soon took even more abuse, thanks to the recently lifted speech censorship on the platform. Tonight, he posted, “the Drag Story Hour protesters came to my apartment building and gained entry.

He may be a groomer but putting his safety at risk is a step too far. “My super called the cops and two of them were arrested for trespassing.” As they should have been. Meanwhile, chalk isn’t destructive like spray paint and we still have a little bit of free speech left in America.

Community voices their opinion

The local community was perfectly within their rights to chalk up the public sidewalk with their message.

If Eric Bottcher doesn’t want people writing that he’s a “pedo child groomer” on his doorstep where everyone in his building can see it, maybe he should think twice about promoting such controversial events.

Liberals can’t seem to get the message that interfering with children sexually isn’t welcome in the community. “The attack is just the latest in a recent spate of violent incidents involving drag queen reading events, which critics say are inappropriate for children.” Democrats want to do away with the age of consent to favor notable “minor attracted persons.

Bill and Hillary Clinton are alleged to be in that category. They liked to hang out with groomer Jeff Epstein. There’s more to “pizzagate” than anyone will ever know. Unless congress turns something up in the FBI files next year.

Along with labeling Bottcher a “groomer,” the graffiti included other insults including “child predator” for his role in the children’s drag event. As Daily Mail writes, “protesters hurled obscenities and slurs outside the event at the Andrew Heiskell Library in the Chelsea neighborhood on Saturday, according to video shared by Bottcher, who was there to support the event.

He thought things were bad outside the library. “Today I witnessed pure hatred and bigotry outside Drag Queen Story Hour at a public library in Chelsea.” That was before parents tracked him down and outlined his proclivities in chalk on the sidewalk, like a silhouette line around the corpse of his career.

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