Trump Discusses His Pick For Vice President…


If you were hoping to see Trump and DeSantis on some type of super ticket, forget about it!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was asked if he would be willing to serve as Trump’s VP.

DeSantis, very nicely, dismissed the idea.

Trump responded just about how we would expect.

No Thanks

DeSantis has no interest in playing second fiddle to Trump and quite frankly, I don’t blame him.

After the attacks that Trump has levied, I think any hope of a peace treaty is long gone.

To that point, DeSantis stated, “I think I’m probably more of an executive guy.

“I think that you want to be able to do things.

“That’s part of the reason I got into this job is because we have action.

“We’re able to make things happen, and I think that’s probably what I am best suited for.”

When Trump was asked about adding DeSantis to his ticket or forming an alliance with DeSantis, he stated, “No, I think that would be a very unlikely alliance.

“We have a lot of great people in the Republican Party.

“I’ve never thought of it; but you know some people every once in a while mention it, but that’s about it.”

Trump continues to cite his endorsement of DeSantis as the reason that DeSantis should not be running against him in the race, which is utterly ridiculous.

Trump demands loyalty but he will turn on you in a second if you no longer serve his purpose.


Source: Fox News

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