His Controversial Job Was ‘No Coincidence’


According to former DNI John Ratcliffe, It’s no “coincidence” that former Federal Bureau of Instigation counsel James Baker got “a job at Twitter after pushing the Russian collusion narrative during his time at the FBI.

James Baker a plant

James Baker was nothing but a “plant” in Twitter HQ. He did his best to blend in with the shrubbery and was so low key that Elon Musk didn’t even know he was on the payroll.

The former fed was turkey-walked out of the building by security the moment everyone learned he had “vetted” the first batch of Twitter Files. The big question on everyone’s mind is how much evidence he managed to make disappear before he was outed.

Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe was on Fox where he explained the backstory on Jim Baker.

Before getting hauled out of Twitter headquarters for “suppression” of information, he had “a long history of anti-Trump, pro-Democratic bias at the FBI.” He was put in the job as Deputy House Counsel for a purpose.

I don’t think that’s a coincidence at all,” Ratcliffe declared. “Jim Baker is the person who was involved in writing an exoneration memo for Hillary Clinton, having classified information on her server before the FBI ever interviewed her.

He’s also “the person who hand-carried information from Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer, Michael Sussmann, into the FBI.

Part of the Trump coup

Along with playing messenger boy with “false information about a relationship between the Trump campaign and the Russian Alfa Bank,” Baker was involved with “trying to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Donald Trump after Donald Trump fired Jim Comey.

That’s probably because “he was involved in the leak investigation involving Jim Comey that was the subject of the FBI inspector general. It continues.

James Baker has long been rumored to carry a Hillary Clinton Fan Club card around in his wallet. Every time his controversial name comes up, she’s lurking in the shadows.


In each of these cases, Jim Baker was working and taking actions that worked to the favor of Hillary Clinton or Democrats or to the left and universally working to the detriment of Republicans, conservatives and Donald Trump.” That’s his history, long before he went to work for previous Twitter management.

His whole job at Twitter was apparently “suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story.” If the public had known the truth before the election, the outcome would have been drastically different. Joe Biden would be in prison instead of running the country into the ground and handing America over to Brussels.

There’s even a good chance that Baker was “sharing information with Twitter when he was still at the FBI.” The way Ratcliffe sees it, “I don’t think that Twitter just happened to, you know, find his resume on Monster.com and I think what one of the things that needs to be determined is what was his relationship with Twitter before he got to Twitter and was he sharing information as the FBI general counsel, you know, to the benefit of one political party, to the detriment of another that then continued when he got to Twitter.

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