Hunter Biden Heading to Jail…


The mother of the child Hunter Biden is trying to get out of paying child support for wants him thrown in jail. At least, until he coughs up his financial records. The judge might actually agree to that, considering the cavalier way Hunter likes to throw money around. Money that he claims he doesn’t have. The IRS was investigating him for that but just closed the whole probe. They admit it was because some of the investigators started squealing to Congress. What they don’t admit is that the whistleblowers say the alleged investigation wasn’t being done properly.

Hunter belongs in jail

The conservative half of America is convinced that Hunter Biden belongs in jail. There are a lot of reasons to justify prison and nobody really cares which of them are used, as long as it does the trick. This time, it isn’t his family influence peddling in the spotlight, at least not directly.

This involves his attempt to get his agreed upon child support payments reduced. The well connected playboy claims poverty, while appearing in court with one of the highest paid lawyers on the planet and arriving on a private jet.

Lunden Roberts was smart enough to get herself knocked up by a wealthy political celebrity. She expects her baby to be treated like a Biden, with all the status and wire transfers from China she’s entitled to. At the very least, she wants the $20,000 a month Hunter is legally on the hook for.

Biden wants a reduction in the payments but refuses to turn over the bank records to prove how much he really makes. The lawyers for Ms. Roberts think the foot dragging has gone on long enough and it’s time to throw Hunter in jail to get his full attention.

On Thursday, May 18, the plaintiff’s lawyers filed the request for Hunter Biden to be arrested and put in jail “as a way of enforcing its requirement that he disclose his income and assets.” He’s been dodging the financial disclosure since the very beginning.

She seeks civil contempt of incarceration until such time as the defendant fully answers discovery and to be paid for her attorney’s fees and costs, which are paid from her child support payments and thereby a loss to the child in this case.

Wild goose chases

Roberts’ lawyer not only wants Hunter tossed in jail, he thinks an extra $20,000 is appropriate “to compensate for the discovery goose chases, hounding of the defendant, and need to constantly seek the court’s intervention.

As part of the proceedings, Ms. Roberts has also petitioned “to change their daughter’s last name to Biden so she can benefit from the prestigious family name.” And wire transfers from around the globe.

It’s real easy for Hunter to avoid jail in this case but he doesn’t want to. “Either the plaintiff can get discovery to prove that she is entitled to a name change and the continued support of her child that the defendant disowns, or the defendant can avoid it all by playing hide the ball,” the filing states.

The court should take some action that makes the defendant a believer in the rule of law.

Half of Congress has been saying exactly the same thing and they aren’t having much luck, either. The judge in the paternity case might just have Hunter put in jail as requested. The whole thing boils down to if any other father hiding their bank account records would be thrown in the pokey for the same reason. If so, Hunter’s going to be staying at the grey bar hotel for a while instead of the ranch of some millionaire who’s friendly to the Democrats.

Playing games with discovery is a hallmark Biden litigation tactic. Mr. Biden does not want to disclose his income and assets, says that he is somewhat financially destitute, while he lives on a mountain overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Malibu, has Secret Service protection, and enjoys his time abroad.” He claims he slept on a cot in his dad’s room while in Ireland. He didn’t mention it was a king size cot. He has plenty of money for lawyers and private jets but lives like a starving artist hobo.

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