Illegals Were Given ANOTHER Handout…What’s Next?


Undocumented criminals seeking the sanctuary of California can now rest assured that getting a state ID will be no problem at all. Liberal Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law on September 23 declaring residents “can now acquire a state ID regardless of immigration status.” The next step will be registering them all as Democrats to vote in the upcoming election.

Sanctuary city approves anyone

Sanctuary in California is like service in the French Foreign legion, just forget about your past because you’re here now. No birth certificate or any form of ID from your home country to prove you aren’t a criminal or terrorist? No problem. Give us any name you want, we’ll believe you.

So what if you murdered 27 people who the cartel wasn’t happy with? If you’re fingerprints aren’t in any international database, then Jesús Christos it is and you’re good to go. Would you like to register to vote Mr. Christos?

We’re a state of refuge. A majority-minority state, where 27 percent of us are immigrants,” Newsom said after signing the sanctuary version of don’t ask, don’t tell. “That’s why I’m proud to announce the signing of today’s bills to further support our immigrant community, which makes our state stronger every single day.

They already had a way for illegals to get driver’s licenses since 2013. The “bill that was signed Friday will allow non-driving residents to acquire a government-issued ID, even if they are not a legal immigrant.

The bill’s sanctuary loving sponsors “framed ID cards as ‘passports to economic and societal participation’ that allow individuals to access banking services, obtain government benefits, and acquire health care.

They’re only another bill or two away from voting in November. The latest estimates suggest that right now, “about 22% of California’s nearly 11 million immigrants are in the United States illegally.

Governor breaks the law

As soon as he signed one bill into law, he immediately violated another without flinching. In 2017, California banned all “official travel to the Lone Star State” of Texas. “One day after signing the bill, Newsom traveled to Texas.” He says that’s okay because he was yelling at Governors Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis “for busing and flying migrants to blue cities.

He thinks Texas and Arizona should hold all 2.2 million that came across this year in their states indefinitely. After all, that’s what they do. Just give them all sanctuary and they’ll have every blade of grass in Texas mowed within a week.

Newsom is shocked at the way Republicans refuse to embrace open borders and sanctuary. “The one thing that he did is he broke with precedent, any precedent of decency and honor, his lack of character on display,” Newsom babbled in Austin.

He comes into another state – your state – to try to find pawns in a political game, rounds them up, sends them to an island, and then fundraises off it.

What does that say about his character, and the character of the Republican Party that celebrated that act of cruelty and dehumanization?” It says that he doesn’t have enough room for illegal migrants coming up from Venezuela, carrying COVID and who knows what else up with them.

Conservatives across America are on the side of the Republicans. Even Joe Biden’s sanctuary loving neighbors in Delaware are on record saying that busing the immigrants around is the right idea and should be praised, not demonized.

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