Jan 6 Prosecutor Arrested!

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capitol police

Well, well, well…isn’t this ironic. Former federal prosecutor Patrick Scruggs was just arrested on Tuesday evening, September 26, after its alleged he repeatedly stabbed an incapacitated driver in Tampa, Florida. Thankfully, the victim was taken to the hospital, having sustained serious but non-life threatening injuries.

Scruggs is known best for leading the January 6 prosecution of Adam Johnson aka “Lectern Guy” for taking Nancy Pelosi’s lectern at the Capitol Rotunda.

Patrick Douglas Scruggs is 38 years old and worked as a federal attorney from 2013 to 2023 according to his LinkedIn page. He then joined Barnes & Thornburg law firm as an “of counsel” attorney in May 2021.

According to his page, he has extensive experience in criminal law litigation and investigations.

According to reports from the Florida Highway Patrol, a 40 year old Tampa man was driving south on Interstate 275 when he noticed a vehicle stopped in the travel lanes of the Howard Frankland Bridge around 9:24 am.

As he got closer, he noticed that the driver was slumped over inside his sedan so him and his wife pulled over to help. Before they could get into the car however, it accelerated forward and crashed into their sedan before shifting into reverse trying to get around them.

That’s when Scruggs’ car drove by and hit them as well prompting him to pull over and start stabbing the 35 year old driver with a pocketknife while breaking one of its windows. When the couple ran back towards them trying to help, he tried attacking them too causing them flee out of fear for their safety.

When asked about it Adam Johnson commented, “Meet the guy who prosecuted me in Tampa for walking in a building on January 6th…What restrictions do you think he should get for stabbing a man repeatedly in public?”

Scruggs was released Tuesday night after paying $65000 bail but under charges armed burglary, aggravated assault and aggravated battery with deadly weapon.

Johnson himself had been sentenced last year just 75 days prison along with fine amounting 5,000 dollars.

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