Karma Alert: Liberals Try to Steal Mans Trump Signs, Then He Takes Matters into His Own Hands


Conservatives have gotten creative with ways to protect their Trump signs from being stolen or desecrated by crazed liberals.

Liberals Take to Theivery

As liberals continue to become even more unhinged, they’ve taken to destroying property through riots, but they go on to private property to destroy signs with the president’s name displayed.

A Trump supporter decided to use a paintball gun to fend off ravenous Biden-supporting thieves who stole his signs.

In the video, you can see the man open fire at the trespassers as they run onto his lawn stealing Trump signs.



The man was obviously prepared for the thugs so it begs the question if this was the first time they hit this residence. Did the man purposefully put the signs up as a form of trap? If so, it would be an epic way to help karma along.

Reps Get Creative to Protect Their Signs

At this point, it is very predictable that if you have a Trump sign, liberals will probably try and destroy it. Funny how you never hear of Republicans stealing Biden or other pro-Democrat signs.

The way the man scattered the signs made for optimal target practice and added to the video’s appeal.

In 2016, another video shows an ingenious person making their Trump signs zap when touched. You can see a man running towards the sign and as he touches it he gets a jolt of electricity.

He then shakes his hand in obvious pain and runs away. The Washington homeowner was sick and tired of seeing his signs continually stolen by liberal thieves that he boobytrapped it with electricity.

It turns out that the man in the video was his neighbor and was charged with trespassing.

More karma

Thugs for Biden

Random leftist brag on social media about stealing others’ private property and view it as a badge of honor. 


With the November 2020 presidential election coming up swiftly, the liberals triggered by pro-American values and Donald Trump is beyond out of control. 

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