Someone at the NIH has lost their mind. The Biden administration actually allowed the National Institute of Health to restart the “bat virus research grant” which President Donald Trump canceled three years ago. You may recall that the “original 2014 version of the grant funded research into mixing various bat viruses to study severe acute respiratory syndrome.”
NIH new and improved COVID
NIH just brought back a controversial bio-engineering grant. Anthony Fauci and his cronies secretly funded the “gain of function” research which unleashed COVID-19 on the world. By now, everyone knows that the grant specifically “funded research at the coronavirus research lab in Wuhan, China.”
The latest version of the project sends the money to the same place as before, EcoHealth Alliance. Last time, we got double billed for it.
There are two differences this time around. First, they “will not focus on mixing live bat viruses.” Second, “the Wuhan Institute of Virology will also no longer be directly involved in research.”
Could you believe that the National Institute of Health (NIH) just reissued the research grant to EcoHealth Alliance (suspended in 2020), which helped the Wuhan Lab create the Coronavirus that caused global pandemic and killed millions?
Read this thread:— Ned Nikolov, Ph.D. (@NikolovScience) May 9, 2023
NIH will find nastier things to modify this time and do it in a more secure lab.
It seems that remaining on the cutting edge of bio-warfare weapons design is a priority for the Biden regime. That’s why NIH will “provide more than 300 whole and partial genome sequences of SARS-related bat coronaviruses from its collection for research by EHA.”
Conservatives in congress are still reeling from the first time.
Not in China this time
The original grant appeared to “fund ‘gain of function‘ (GOF) research at the Wuhan lab.” Fox points out that “GOF is a scientific term for adjusting an existing pathogen to make it more capable of causing disease.”
Back in the Obama administration, the “original NIH grant awarded some $600,000 to the Wuhan lab over eight years.” Researchers are happy to see the project coming out of the mothballs.
“Several researchers jumped in” to praise the NIH decision renewing the grant. That’s because they can “finally get back to work.”
You cannot make this up! The entity, who was responsible for the creation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that killed millions, just got a grant renewal from National Institute of Health (NIH) to continue gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses!
STOP IT!— Ned Nikolov, Ph.D. (@NikolovScience) May 9, 2023
They promise to try real hard not to wipe out half of humanity this time.
The American public will be thrilled to hear that the “long overdue” resumption of research will not happen in China. This time, all the dangerously deadly gene splicing will be done in Singapore. Which is only half controlled by China.
“The EHA will now partner with the Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore and use the simulated genomes of already-collected viruses to identify how coronaviruses might infect human cells.” They aren’t looking for ways to kill it, the NIH is looking for ways to make it stronger, so it can kill more humans.