Announcement Rocks Nancy Pelosi and Democrats

Guess who just lost his courtesy card?

That would be House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) drunken husband, Paul Pelosi.

The California Highway Patrol 11-99 (CHP 11-99) Foundation said it would wait until after Pelosi’s case was finished to make its decision.

Well, the case is over, and Pelosi is out.

Give It Back

When you donate to a police foundation such as this, you get what they call a courtesy card.

It denotes you as a sponsor, but in reality, it is meant to get people out of a “little” trouble.

Like, hey, this guy gave us $10,000 to help our fellow officers, so you can look past that stop sign he just blew.

This is not exactly a secret.

When you pull the card in a nationally covered DUI case, blew a .082 more than two hours after an accident that totaled two cars and left the other party injured, well, you should probably leave the card in the wallet.

CHP 11-99 stated, “After evaluating the events that [led] to Mr. Pelosi’s arrest and conviction, we are revoking Mr. Pelosi’s lifetime membership with the CHP 11-99 Foundation effective immediately.

“The mere presentation of his 11-99 Foundation identification credentials to law enforcement made it appear that he was presenting them for preferential treatment whether that was the case or not which violates the terms and conditions he agreed to on his membership application.

“These actions reflected poorly on the 11-99 Foundation and undermined our important mission.”

Honestly, this is probably the stiffest fine that Pelosi has received.

The judge looked at the minimal sentence across the board and the prosecutor charged the DUI as a misdemeanor even though it easily could have escalated to a felony because of the injuries sustained by the other party.

The major difference…  instead of getting a 5-day jail sentence (which was considered time served, time off for good behavior, and community service – meaning Pelosi will never actually spend a night in jail other than the night he was held during processing), he would have had to spend at least 16 months in prison.

With Pelosi as his wife, that was never going to happen.

So, sorry Paulie, but no more get out of jail card for you!

Source: Fox News

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