Republicans Preparing to Clean House Entirely


Impeachment is the big word around beltway water coolers, as the traditional “American Pride” month of July gets into full swing. Replace them all, Republicans insist, starting with Joe Biden. Then, most of his allegedly corrupt cabinet. Merrick Garland, Christopher Wray, Alejandro Mayorkas, Antony Blinken… on down the food chain until we cut out the political cancer eating away at Lady Liberty.

One impeachment after another

House Republicans, CNN fears, “are preparing to let the push for potential impeachment proceedings dominate their agenda over the next few months.” They’re trying to get their liberal readers prepared for what’s coming. Kevin McCarthy is getting far too much heat from his passionately conservative colleagues to stand in their way over this.

Every day, the political weaponization of government has been rubbed in the faces of conservatives. They aren’t going to put up with it any longer. Especially not with Independence Day festivities in the air.

The time has come for a good old fashioned house cleaning as our Founding Fathers prepared us for. That means the House is ready to start the impeachment fest. After the Big Guy, Merrick “I really run this country” Garland is one of the first who needs to go. Alejandro Mayorkas should be charged with sedition over the way he enabled the illegal invasion of our borders.

What he did was not a “threat” to national security, it’s an outright failure of it. We have already been successfully invaded. He got away with it in plain sight and if it wasn’t for an honest federal judge in Florida, he would be simply opening the gates to herd them in like cattle.

Republicans, CNN whimpers, “are quickly shifting their focus to red-meat issues that could fire up their base.” RINOs can read the writing on the wall and are increasingly “nervous about voter backlash” if they don’t act like Republicans.

So called “moderate” Republicans are going to have a real hard time drumming up support for any opposition to impeachment for anyone on the list.

Big July fireworks

Conservative Americans who firmly believe in the nuclear family and traditional Christian values had a whole month of transgender “pride” shoved down their throats in June. July, they counter, is our turn. After the Fourth of July Independence Day barbecues, House lawmakers have vowed to hit the impeachment hearings hard.

They already scheduled “high-profile testimony” from Joe Biden’s big three cabinet ministers, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and Attorney General Merrick Garland.

As soon as they can get him dragged into the hearing room, U.S. Attorney David Weiss will be subjected to intense interrogation. Someone is lying to congress. Weiss and Garland swear up and down that he could charge Hunter Biden with crimes anywhere he wanted.

A pair of IRS whistleblowers claim to have evidence that Weiss told them he could only charge crimes which happened in Delaware. He’s in line for impeachment as well for giving Biden the plea deal of the century.

Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green already has the ball rolling on proceedings against Mayorkas. He’s conducting a “five phase” investigation. “His committee is also expected to include a review of Biden’s handling of the border as part of that impeachment probe.

It should dovetail in nicely with the articles drafted to drag Biden away from the Resolute desk. Those already on the table reflect Joe Biden’s intentional flouting of Immigration law to imperil our national security with an outright invasion. Not to mention the way he seems to be in Xi Jinping’s pocket. That’s another story.

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