
Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) wants to play hardball with Joe Biden.

The White House is blocking the flow of information for investigations.

So, now Cotton has stated that he will block Biden’s nominations until they get what they want.

Let It Go

Cotton stated, “Until the administration stops stonewalling Congress, there will be pain as a consequence for them.

“Whether it’s blocking nominees or withholding budgetary funds, Congress will impose pain on the administration until they provide these documents.

“I’m prepared to refuse consent to fast-track any nominee from any department or agency and to take every step that I can on every committee on which I serve to impose consequences on the administration until they provide these documents.”

Cotton continued, “The administration is stonewalling Congress on the classified documents present at President Trump’s residence and President Biden’s residence and office, which is totally unacceptable.

“The members of the Intelligence Committee — for that matter, the members of Congress have an absolute right to this information so we can make an informed judgment about the risk, if any, these documents have posed to our national security by being improperly handled.”

I guess Joe has a decision to make now and I would wager he will protect Hunter because Joe knows that if Hunter goes down, he will follow soon after.

Source: Just the News

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