SHOCK Pentagon Report… Russia Got It All


Well, if a recent Daily Caller report is accurate, the American taxpayer is funding both sides of the Ukraine-Russian war.

The report found that Russian organized crime groups, Ukrainian crooks, and unauthorized volunteer battalions managed to steal some of the military supplies sent as aid to Ukraine.

The report came as a result of an Inspector General’s report.

Nice Job, Joe

This is something that I have railed against in the past.

Since we have been sending aid to Ukraine, there has been zero accountability.

That is not exactly a shock considering a Pentagon official recently admitted they really have no idea what they have and where it is located, so why would they expect a recipient to track aid?

We spend hundreds of billions every year, and I cannot imagine how much of that just goes missing, or, in the case of the aid to Ukraine, just outright stolen.

The DoD Inspector General’s report stated, “The inability of [Defense Department] personnel to visit areas where equipment provided to Ukraine was being used or stored significantly hampered [Kyiv’s Office of Defense Cooperation]’s ability to execute [end-use monitoring].”

In just one instance, 60 rifles and 1,000 rounds of ammunition were sold off on the black market by battalion volunteers.

Here is how you stop this…

You freeze all aid to Ukraine right now, right this minute, and demand an accounting of all aid received to this point as well as a system being in place to monitor it moving forward.

If Zelensky wants the United States to continue to serve as his Walmart for weaponry, I think that is the least he can.

If Republicans continue to allow this unbelievable waste to continue, we remove them from office… end of discussion.

Source: Daily Caller

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