Straight Culture Revolt Rattles Corporate Pride Plans


Corporate America’s plans to cash in on Pride month totally blew up in the faces of their accountants, as “normies” announce they’ve had enough. Heterosexual consumers have declared a boycott revolution.

Pride month bad for business

Corporate retailers hoping to make up theft losses went overboard on Pride month marketing campaigns. They found out to their dismay that catering to the demands of the transgender community can be bad for business. There’s crucial new twist to the rainbow narrative which has everyone a lot more upset than usual.

Over the past few decades, Conservative Americans have learned to be more “tolerant” and accepting of those in the community who are a little different than they are. Now, gender benders say tolerance isn’t enough and they’re shoving their twisted ideals down the throats of traditionalists.

The Los Angeles Dodgers will never forget what happened when they decided to embrace flamboyant gay pride by sponsoring an event featuring the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.” Scantily clad in leather, they make a mockery of the Catholic faith.

They may have the right to their opinion but the Dodgers are learning that Catholics, and conservatives in general, have the right not to attend baseball games played by teams which offend them. Ticket sales fell through the floor.

Anheuser-Busch learned the hard way that their customer base isn’t trans-friendly. They made the fatal mistake of daring to “leverage the sensation of the trans-celebrity ‘influencer‘ Dylan Mulvaney with a specially labeled can produced just for Mulvaney.” They have influence all right. When Mulvaney “embraced” it to the hilt on Instagram it was the kiss of death for Bud Light.

Formerly America’s “best-selling brand,” sales are down by a fourth. They can take pride in the fact that “the loss of market share appears to have staying power.” Their stock “slumped 15% and Bud Light cans sit unsold on store shelves despite deep price discounts.

Tuck friendly swimwear

Target made the mistake of rolling out “tuck-friendly” swimwear for “women” as their contribution to Pride Month. They won’t even admit what a “woman” is. The thing that really had consumer’s heads exploding were the children’s sizes.

It’s bad enough that they’re marketing to “fully-equipped men who wish to dress like women.” What had everyone telling them to shove it up their bullseye was the way they’re grooming children. They seem to imply that they should consider their product not only normal but preferable.

As New York Post observes, the cultural revolution has come around full circle and back in the face of liberals who started it. Pride Month 2023 isn’t what previous years led retailers to expect. “This moment seems different: A line has been crossed, and ‘normies,‘ for lack of a better term for traditional middle-class Americans, are saying ‘enough.

We “have generally been tolerant toward what were once considered ‘deviant‘ traits like homosexuality,” they write. “But the current push on behalf of gender-fluidity differs fundamentally from previous ‘liberation‘ movements, as it requires a wholesale denial of human nature itself and demands conformity to this radical view.

Biologically female swimmer Riley Gaines recently schooled University of Pittsburgh anthropology department Professor Gabby Yearwood on his own specialty. Ms. Gains dared to express pride in being female and point out the anatomical differences, other than genitalia, between men and women. Specifically as it applies to athletics.

He chose to disagree and made a fool of himself in front of everyone. “If you were to dig up two humans one hundred years from now, both man and woman, could you tell the difference, strictly off of bones?” she qizzed. “‘No!the professor replied as the room erupted in laughter.” How do they do it when they find an old body in the woods then?

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