Shock Supreme Court Ruling Has Conservatives Reeling


The NRA is reeling today because of what the Supreme Court just did.

The court allowed a law to ban assault weapons to stay in place.

The court decided to let this case play out in the lower courts before they take it no.

Still in Effect

When the Illinois law went into effect, it banned the sale of “assault weapons,” or at least when Democrats call assault weapons.

A local gun store challenged the law, and it is now working its way through an appeal.

The court decided not to stay the initial order until this all plays out in the lower courts.

Hannah Hill, Executive Director of the National Foundation for Gun Rights, stated, “Any action the Supreme Court would have taken at this point would only have been temporary and not on the merits of the case itself. Clearly, the Supreme Court is watching the issue closely and we look forward to appealing very soon on the merits if the 7th Circuit rules against us – as the signs currently point to.”

The law was signed on January 10.

It bans the sale of the AR-15 and AK-47s.

It also bans large-capacity magazines.

The only good news for gun owners is that current owners do not have to turn their weapons in.

Source: Fox News

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