These Two Men Made a Shocking Discovery When Picking Up Their Daughter From School


Two men in Georgia both showed up at the same time to pick up the same girl from elementary school. They both claimed she was their “daughter.” The mystery deepened when the school secretary checked the emergency contact card and discovered both names were listed. The mom was called in to clear up the confusion and all three were soon placed under arrest.

Two men with one daughter

The two men were apparently set up to make the emotionally charged discovery by an undisclosed third party. One who seems to have a grudge against the child’s mom.

All of this comes from an anonymous user on TikTok as reported by Fox News. The child is reportedly safe with Grandma, for now.

The TikTok user describes an alleged recent day at the school where she works. Sheena_20200 posted “a series of videos” about the two men who “discovered they were both fathers to a young girl when they came to pick her up.” She claims to work in the front office.

Not long before, the two guys came in separately just before the final bell, “each claiming the girl was their daughter and that they wanted to check her out for the day.” Fox tracked down Sheena Jackson for the rest of her story.

Both of the men had the exact same question. “They both look at each other, and the dad was like, ‘Why are you checking my child out? Who are you?

The other man replied “Who are you? What do you mean? I’m her dad.” It was clear about then that mom had some ‘splainin to do and the school called her up.

Screaming and crying

As related by Jackson, since both men were listed as emergency contacts and both had proper ID, her principal told her to call the mother. When she did, mom started “screaming and crying.” For safety, the school separated the two dads.

When she got to the school, you know, one of the daddies ran in the parking lot to her. Like, ‘What’s going on? What’s going on? Why you didn’t tell me?” Staff intervened. “So, we ran out in the parking lot with them.” Just in time to watch him whap her a good one.

Jackson was told by the mom that “she had been telling both men that they were the father of the girl.” Jackson and everyone else was confused. “Nobody ever knew anything. This was crazy.

Before it was all over, the police were involved. “One of the daddies got locked up. You know, mama went to the EMS. Grandma had to come get the child because nobody could get the child at that point. It was a mess.

According to Jackson, she called the mother to follow up and was told, “her best friend was responsible for getting the men together at the time and that she had not gotten around to telling her daughter about the two men.

You can place a pretty serious bet on the probability of both paternity testing and a divorce suit in the near future.

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