They Found 215 Unmarked Graves of Children…Then They Discovered This…


ICYMI – It’s a nightmare for Cowessess Tribe or First Nation as they’re called in Canada. Searchers have announced a grisly find of 752 unmarked graves at the Marieval Indian Residential School near Broadview, Saskatchewan, Canada. This gruesome discovery followed the heartbreaking confirmation of 215 children buried in similarly unmarked graves at another site of a former residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia.

AM 980 CJME reported, “Cowessess Chief Cadmus Delorme and Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations Chief Bobby Cameron made the announcement during a media conference.

It Wasn’t Just The 215 Children

“We cannot affirm that they are all children, but there are oral stories that there are adults in this gravesite as well because it was the Roman Catholic church that oversaw this gravesite,” Delorme said. “Some may have gone to the church and from our local towns and they could have been buried here as well.”

“Over the past years, the oral stories of our elders, of our (residential school) survivors and friends of our survivors have told us stories that knew these burials were here,” Delorme said.

“In 1960, there may have been marks on these graves. The Catholic church representatives removed these headstones and today they are unmarked graves …

“Removing headstones is a crime in this country and we are treating this like a crime scene at the moment.”

The Catholic Church Responds

Archbishop Don Bolen of the Archdiocese of Regina gave a statement saying that he spoke to Delorme and Cowessess residents at the cemetery two years ago and apologized for past failures of church leaders. But Bolen apologized again. He and the church will likely be apologizing to these people for a long, long time.

“I know that apologies seem a very small step as the weight of past suffering comes into greater light, but I extend that apology again, and pledge to do what we can to turn that apology into meaningful concrete acts —  including assisting in accessing information that will help to provide names and information about those buried in unmarked graves — and to stand by you in whatever way you request,” Bolen wrote. reported that Lheidli T’enneh Chief Dolleen Logan was demanding that the Pope himself visit the sites of the mass-unmarked burials in British Columbia and Saskatchewan.

“He can come visit the crime scenes of the unmarked gravesites at residential schools in B.C. and Saskatchewan,” Logan said. “He can meet the families of the children who were killed, traumatized while in care of the Catholic Church.” “He can apologize directly to the families. He can offer financial support for the many ongoing investigations at residential schools. He can finally take responsibility for his church’s actions against our children.”

Chief Logan pointed to similar apologies from other Christian denominations in Canada, “The Anglican Church has apologized. The Presbyterian Church has apologized. United Church has apologized,” he said. He also referred to a Truth and Reconciliation Committee finding of the Canadian Parliament in 2015 which called upon Pope Francis to offer such an apology.

“This is really part of truth and part of the healing and reconciliation process for survivors to hear the apology from the highest position within the Roman Catholic Church, which is the Pope.”

Chief Perry Bellegarde of the Canadian National Assembly of First Nations said according to Globalnews that “a delegation from Canada will visit the Vatican in December to press for a papal apology for the Catholic Church’s role in residential schools, where around 150,000 First Nations, Inuit and Metis children were sent.”

An article written for the state news site of The Vatican stated, “In his 6 June, 2021 Angelus message, Pope Francis spoke about the shocking discovery of the children’s’ remains at the former residential school and, expressing his closeness to the Canadian people, he noted the importance of walking “side by side in dialogue, mutual respect and recognition of the rights and cultural values of all the daughters and sons of Canada.”

“Pope Francis is deeply committed to hearing directly from Indigenous Peoples, expressing his heartfelt closeness, addressing the impact of colonization and the role of the Church in the residential school system,” the Bishops’ statement said.

This development added yet another massive national scandal for the hapless Trudeau-Liberal Minority Government to bungle.

This came also right when Christianity in Canada was under the most profound attack by the Liberal government ever under the guise of COVID19 restrictions and more terrifyingly churches burn from emboldened arsonists. Journalist Lauren Southern reported that on July 1st,

“In Alberta Ten churches were the target of vandalism” and “Last week Four Catholic Churches were burnt to the ground”

It’s a dark day in Canada.

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