Will AG Barr be ‘Just Another Guy’ Or Will Wray’s Head Roll?


After the latest Obamagate revelations, if someone doesn’t visit the oval office with Christopher Wray’s head on a silver platter, really soon, then William Barr will go down in history as “just another guy.” President Donald Trump seems to be losing patience with his Attorney General. Heads are getting ready to roll and lots of people are saying that one of them better belong to Christopher Wray.

The FBI director’s head on a platter

Maria Bartiromo recently asked President Trump if the current head of the FBI should step down. “Christopher Wray was put there,” the president explained, for a “good reason,” but it wasn’t his decision. He only went along with the suggestion. Wray, the president calmly explained, “was chosen by a certain person, and I said, go ahead, put whoever you want.” The president was willing to give the man a chance. “Let’s see how Wray turns out. He’s either going to turn out one way or the other.” It looks like it was the other. The person who suggested Wray for the job was Rod Rosenstein, Trump previously alleged.

The president is concerned that Federal Bureau of Instigation Director Wray hasn’t been very helpful lately. “I wish he was more forthcoming, he certainly hasn’t been. There are documents that they want to get, and we have said we want to get. We’re going to find out if he’s going to give those documents. But certainly he’s been very, very protective.” He’s afraid to lose his head.

It seems like he’s covering something up. If so, his head should roll for it. For the past few weeks as more and more evidence has been trickling out, Wray’s been in hiding. Conservatives speculate that he’s exercising his Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate himself. Wray’s Boss, Attorney General William Barr, is now squarely in the spotlight. “Bill Barr has a chance to be the greatest of all time. But if he wants to be politically correct, he’ll be just another guy.”

The FBI lied to the Senate

President Trump continued with even more detailed reasons why Wray’s head should roll. The most recent revelation is that The FBI intentionally lied to the Senate in February of 2018 in a briefing which Wray set up. At the time, he was running the entire FBI. Now he seems to be hiding things to protect his FBI conspirators.

An agent, believed to be Andrew McCabe, told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence three specific lies. These were statements which they already knew were lies long before that meeting on February 14. Senator Lindsey Graham flat out accused the FBI “of lying to Congress about the dossier.” They lied in the briefing to his Senate intelligence panel and they also lied to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Graham writes, “what is particularly troubling about this briefing is that the outline of the briefing indicates that at least three material misrepresentations regarding the Primary Sub-source and what he told the FBI about the Steele dossier in 2017 were made to the committee.” Somebody’s head should roll for that.

As President Trump mentioned on Fox, “Obama knew everything. Vice President Biden, as dumb as he may be, knew everything, and everybody else knew.” He has every right to expect a head or two to drop into the basket. “Comey, Brennan, and Clapper, they were all terrible, they lied to Congress. They spied on my campaign, which is treason. They spied, both before and after I won, using the intelligence apparatus of the United States to take down a president, a legally elected president, a duly elected president of the United States. It is the single biggest political crime in the history of our country.” Yep. Obamagate really does make Nixon’s Watergate look like the third rate burglary it really was.

  1. Right after Christopher Wray was appointed FBI Director he sat in front of Congress & said he didn’t see any bias in the FBI. THAT RAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIRED ON THE SPOT!

    I have never trusted a single word that has come out of Wray’s mouth since that day! Fire his ass!

  2. Wray is completely worthless and should never have been appointed. Wray is just one an a long series of deficient appointments by President Trump. These appointments make the President look like an idiot. Whoever is making these recommendations to the President needs to be banned from the White House.

  3. Wray is only a spear carrier for the Deep State cabal run by Obama and funded by George Soros, probably in part by U.N. Agenda 21 meaning with U.S, Tax dollars since we contribute 25% of their entire budget and other than what were owe to maintain our permanent seat on the Security Council, President Trump SHOULD defund them and throw them and their headquarters off American Soil. period. The simple FACT OF THE MATTER IS: The entire Obama administration was the most inept, fraudulent and crooked in AMERICAN HISTORY. IT OVER-REGULATED FREEDOMS AND RIGHTS , REDUCED AND TRIED TO END SOME OF THEM, PUSHED ANYTHING THAT DESTROYED CHRISTIANITY AND MORAL CONSCIENCE, CULTURE AND LANGUAGE, DEEMED ESSENTIALLY AMERICAN WHEN I WAS A KID AFTER WW2 AS I WAS GROWING UP IN THE LATE 40’S, 50′,S 60’S AND SERVING IN VIETNAM AND AT WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL CENTER IN D.C AT THE TIME WITH A DEGREE IN GOVERNMENT! Thus, I KNOW how crooked and betraying of EVERY Founding Principle that Administration was and remains; They should ALL be indicted charged and tried for sedition and high treason as defined by U.S. Code Chapter 18 and other references but THAT one , defines what constitutes BOTH and also gives the penalties for those found guilty after the application of DUE PROCESS never complied with in the FRAUDULENT and biased politically originated Faulty Impeachment hearings which have been proved time and again to have been baseless. Barr and Newsome NEED to prosecute those needing prosecution and with the plethora of existing hard evidence of collusion conspiracy to commit fraud , sedition and treason or there is NO EQUITABILITY IN THE DEPT. OF JUSTICE; BUT A COMPLETELY OBVIOUS TO ANY REAL AMERICAN CITIZEN, DUALITY OF STANDARD DEPENDING IN PARTY AFFILIATION AND POSITION IN THE OLIGARCHY OF THE POLITICALLY POWERFUL AND PRIVILEGED PARASITES IN BOTH PARTIES WHO SERVE NOTHING AND NO ONE BUT THEMSELVES. PERIOD We need strictly enforced term limits and audits BEFORE and AFTER the terms end with justification for huge discrepancies sure to be found in the assets of those who so “served.”THEY MUST BE HELD BOTH RESPONSIBLE AND ACCOUNTABLE!

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