Woman Tracked Her Cheating Boyfriend…What She Did Next is WILD


An Indiana woman tracked down her cheating boyfriend and terminated their relationship with “extreme prejudice.” Gaylyn Morris isn’t the kind of girl you want to cheat on. Hell, they say, hath no fury like a woman scorned. Ms. Morris was furious, That’s for sure. Andre Smith learned a timeless lesson the hard way and he’ll never do it again.

Tracked with an AirTag

When police arrived, they “located Mr. Smith laying on the ground underneath a vehicle.” How he got there is one heck of a story and a judge will be hearing it real soon. Thanks to Apple’s proprietary technology, the AirTag, 26-year-old Gaylyn Morris tracked her philandering boyfriend to an Indianapolis bar called Tilly’s just after midnight on June 3.

When she saw Andre Smith, also 26, enjoying a bottle of wine with another young lady, she wasn’t what one would call “overjoyed.

According to the police report, after she tracked Smith to the drinking establishment, Ms. Morris allegedly “grabbed an empty wine bottle and swung it at the other woman. The bottle did not hit her because Smith intervened and caught it.

Staff wasn’t about to put up with it and asked them all to leave. The witness couldn’t believe what happened next, but it did.

As related by the bystander, she “saw Morris pulling forward and clipping Smith with her car in the parking lot.” That wasn’t the end of it. “And he went down, at which time… [Morris] then backed over him and then pulled forward and hit him for the third time.

She then tracked after the interloping other woman on foot. “Morris then allegedly attempted to run after the woman after exiting her vehicle but police intervened and placed her under arrest.

Other woman unharmed

She may have been upset and terrified but “the woman that had initially been at the pub with Smith was not harmed in the incident.” Another witness told police “Morris had told her about how she tracked down Smith with an AirTag.

They used that in the probable cause affidavit. “She also allegedly said she was in a relationship with victim and thought he was cheating on her with another woman.

Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department issued a formal statement noting around 12:30 a.m. “Officers arrived and located Mr. Smith laying on the ground underneath a vehicle. It appeared he was struck by the vehicle.” Repeatedly.

What they found wasn’t pretty. “Indianapolis Fire Department Engine Company 6 responded and unfortunately pronounced the Mr. Smith deceased at the scene.” He was tracked down and killed like a rabid animal for the usual male crime of being a horndog.

Men everywhere can be tracked by their significant others like a set of car keys. Apple AirTags are marketed as a device the size of a quarter which “can be attached to keys, backpacks, purses and other items to help people track them down via iPhone if they’re misplaced.

For $30 you can put one on your boyfriend’s key ring and trail him all over town. They’re supposed to have safeguards to prevent tragedies like this one. Obviously, there are ways around them.

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