I think any sane person would agree that there was nothing funny about what happened in Nashville.
I think we would also agree that any elected official should not be cracking jokes when they are about to address the nation on the matter.
Unfortunately, that was the path that Joe Biden took.
Kayleigh McEnany and the crew on “Outnumbered” lit him up over it.
He Really ‘Missed the Mark’
The fact that Joe Biden was cracking stupid jokes and talking about ice cream got under the skin of a lot of people, including myself.
McEnany, and everyone else on the panel, for that matter, was completely disgusting by Biden that day.
I will let you hear their segment, then I will offer up my two cents…
The one thing that was new to me was the heroics of the little girl.
To think that she made that move, at that age, surely knowing she was risking her life, is just utterly amazing to me.
The point made by Faulkner was also very good.
Every adversary is watching us right now, and Joe Biden is what they are seeing.
No wonder our citizens are being kidnapped, killed, and arrested abroad.
Source: Fox News