50 New PCs Sworn in at Once as America First Movement Ramps Up

America First

In the state of Arizona, a case of Trump derangement syndrome virulently spread throughout Legislative District 15 in Northern Phoenix, Arizona in June of 2021, and subsequently, the entire leadership of the GOP committee resigned rather than work with America First PCs. The problem is they didn’t merely resign, they just flat left and stopped returning anyone’s calls. No transition, no transfer of records or accounts.. nada. It was childish, it was capricious it was highly unprofessional, in short, it was a temper tantrum unbefitting any elected office.

Kari Donovan of The Gateway Pundit reported, that the committee couldn’t tolerate their committee becoming an ‘America-First’ GOP Committee. In a letter to their members, they wrote:

Dear Member,

Regrettably, we must inform you that all members of the LD15 Board are resigning their positions effective June 1, 2021. This Board has successfully worked to provide quality meetings in an appropriate facility with content usable for our fellow precinct committeemen and precinct committeewomen to engage their neighbors. Each Board member faces personal circumstances that make carrying out their volunteer duties on the Board difficult. It is true that part of that difficulty is the increasingly antagonistic environment that has been created by new membership that prevents us from fully serving ALL members of the Republican Party within LD15. We remain dedicated to the traditional ideals of the Party and appreciate the opportunity to serve.

Derrik Rochwalik
Brian Hummell
Cori Bower
Chris Smith
Jack Clark

America First Precinct Committeemen Are Taking Over the GOP From The Bottom, Up

Apparently, many of the newer precinct committeemen were fans of Dan Shultz’s Book the Committeeman Project Strategy, and rather than countenance a new majority taking over the traditional, establishment GOP precinct, they just took their toys and went home in the process flipping the committee from die-hard McCain-ite Neo-cons to America-First Republicans, which is precisely what happened in August when a new committee was sworn in with 50 new precinct committeemen by State Senator Nancy Barto.

Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit wrote, “in an amazing show of patriotism, 50 new Precinct Committeemen were sworn in by State Senator Nancy Barto. Their oath can be seen in this video. In less than a month, under the new leadership of Joseph (Joe) Abrahamson, this new Chairman of LD15 has added all these PC’s and launched an impressive new LD15 website. It’s complete with a portal to inform and also attract more PC’s.”

The new committee headed by Veteran Joe Abrahamson is poised to make a big splash in the Arizona GOP, and like the entire Arizona GOP the ranks are swelling. with 201 new Republican precinct committeemen added so far in June… compared to 26 Democrats.

The Arizona GOP is being activated, and things are about to start changing.

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