Baby Killing Factories Just Got the Bad News


The baby killing factories hiding behind the signs which read “Planned Parenthood” just got some bad news from a judge in the state of Texas. She happens to be on their side but, no matter how much liberals try to twist it, the law is on the side of conservatives.

Baby killers get bad news

After Texas passed a measure which would allow the state to remove Planned Parenthood from their Medicaid program, State District Judge Lora Livingston of Travis County, Texas issued an order on Wednesday, denying Planned Parenthood an injunction to block it.

She didn’t like it though, advising the baby killers to pursue action through federal courts.

“This decision is not made lightly. In the light of the ongoing public health crisis, the risks of the individual losing healthcare and medical attention requires increased attention and scrutiny.”

She doesn’t give a single unborn baby any say in the matter.

The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops is thrilled. Jennifer Allmon, their executive director, issued a statement of approval, arguing that “Texans already have better options for healthcare.”

She explains, “there are hundreds of providers throughout the state of Texas willing to serve poor women with authentic healthcare services that are not also peddling abortion.” The health care of the baby is important too.

Offer genuine healthcare

The baby killing factories don’t need Medicare funding because there’s a huge market for the spare parts. Planned Parenthood clinics are nothing but “chop shops.”

As Ms. Allmon points out, “the Texas Pregnancy Care Network has a list of such providers throughout the state and if these providers do not accept Medicaid, they can make referrals to life-affirming Medicaid providers who can offer genuine healthcare to women in need.”

The abortion providers are fighting back hard for a cut of taxpayer dollars. They want Uncle Sam to keep paying their overhead so they can kill one baby after another day in and day out. Dyana Limon-Mercado, executive director of Planned Parenthood Texas Votes, is jumping up and down.

“Planned Parenthood will do everything it can to protect and fight for its patients — since it remains painfully clear that [Texas Gov. Greg] Abbott and his administration will continue to fail Texans in the most devastating ways.” The way that liberals turn everything upside-down and inside-out is despicable. Babies have rights too, even if they aren’t quite citizens yet. Liberals don’t seem to care all that much about requiring citizenship for anything else.

The Texas court has already made it crystal clear that “Planned Parenthood is not a ‘qualified’ provider under the Medicaid Act, and it should not receive public funding through the Medicaid program.”

If they want to keep being a baby part factory, then they can do it without Medicaid dollars. If they want the Medicaid money, stop killing babies. It’s that simple.

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