Clinton Rabbit Hole Just Got a Lot Deeper…Here is Why

The Clinton Crime Family’s rabbit hole just got a lot deeper. The Trump Administration’s Nuclear Fuel Working Group (NFWG) has proposed to open up 1,500 acres outside the Grand Canyon which are currently off-limits to production, according to Forbes. Over the next ten years, the NFWG desires to purchase $1.5 billion worth of uranium, which is used for nuclear weapons, from American uranium producers. Here is why this affects the Clintons.

In 2017, then-United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions instructed prosecutors to determine if the potential of reopening the FBI’s investigation into the Uranium One scandal, including possible traitorous activities by the Clinton Foundation. This rabbit hole leads to the year of 2005 when former United States President Bill Clinton and Canadian philanthropist-billionaire Frank Giustra met in Kazakhstan for an AIDS relief program.

It was reported that Giustra, head of UrAsia Energy Ltd., met with Kazakhstan officials to purchase uranium contracts. Over the next few years, the Clinton-Giustra partnership continued to flourish, as Giustra donated an estimated $145 million to the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton’s deep money rabbit hole continued.

In 2007, UrAsia Energy was bought by Uranium One, a Canadian mining company. However Giustra preserved 60% of controlling interest, according to Canada Free Press. Immediately, Uranium One began purchasing mines in the United States, eventually purchasing 20% of America’s uranium deposits. 

In 2008, FBI Director Robert Muller, then serving under President George W. Bush, was informed of a bribery scam between Uranium One and Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation, a Russian company that was well-connected to Russia’s military arsenal. Rosatom eventually purchased 17% of Uranium One with a plan to control the United States uranium market, further compromising America’s nuclear capabilities. The Clinton rabbit hole continued.

Clinton Rabbit Hole Continued Under Obama

An FBI informant named William Douglas Campbell was to testify that, in 2009, while Barack Obama was U.S. President,  ‘Director Mueller “personally” delivered “a 10-gram sample of highly-enriched uranium to the Russian government,’ according to Conservative Daily Post. This bombshell was further corroborated by Wikileaks.

In 2017, the United States Justice Department had dropped Campbell as a witness because they deemed him as ‘unreliable’. However, Campbell’s attorney, Victoria Toensing told Yahoo News that this was “a cover up” because the Obama Administration didn’t want to bring a big extortion case against Russia.” 

In 2018, the Justice Department commenced on a new inquiry on possible Clinton Foundation illegal activities. The FBI descended on Little Rock, Arkansas, the birthplace of the foundation. 

According to Conservative Daily Post, the FBI agents went to the Clinton Foundation Little Rock offices to inquire of “discussions of donations to Clinton entities during the time Hillary Clinton led President Obama’s State Department.”

No surprise that Muller, who dragged on the Trump-Russia hoax, did not act on the 2008 information regarding the scam between Uranium and Rosatom. The Clintons were using the Clinton Foundation as a ‘pay-for-play’ international illegal scheme, while weakening national defenses and strengthening Russia’s nuclear program. No wonder Hillary deleted her emails and destroyed the server. The Clinton Rabbit Hole is deep and ugly.


  1. The clitons ALWAYS have been and ALWAYS will be the lowest form of SCUM on the planet. They destroy people’s lives for entertainment. But if EVERYTHING is turned over to the American people, ALL will learn what FILTH they TRULY ARE !!!%

  2. I’m so disgusted with the Democratic party and the way they ran our country, they only cared about ruining our country, and making other countries stronger, I feel they all should go to jail along with Bill Gates and Fauci.

  3. The Democratic party doesn’t have the people in the best interest, their trying to destroy our country, Trump should drain the swamp and put them in jail, along with Bill Gates and Fauci.

  4. Love to see this horribly corrupt and traitorous couple be brought down and tossed into prison. No one deserves to be brought to justice more than HiLIARy, who abandoned Americans and let them be slaughtered in Benghazi, has committed numerous Treasonous Acts, as with Uranium One, and whose Husband is a sick, perverted Serial Rapist and Pedophile, same as HiLIARy! God can forgive them, but I doubt these too arrogant, godless Traitors would ever Repent, they hate God as much as they hate American Citizens! KAG!

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