Disney World Shut Down, Dangerous Intruder on Property


Now there’s something you don’t see everyday. It’s often rare to witness Disney close down one or multiple of its parks, however a dangerous intruder on property did just that. On Monday, September 18, Disney World located in Orlando, Florida was forced to shut down one of its major parks due to a potential bear sighting.

This morning, as cast members were preparing to open Magic Kingdom Park at Walt Disney World, they discovered an unexpected visitor.

A black bear was found in the vicinity of Tom Sawyer’s Island. To ensure the safety of all guests and employees, animal control was immediately called to remove the furry guest from the area.

According to sources familiar with the incident, this uninvited guest was first spotted in the caves on Tom Sawyer’s Island. Shortly thereafter, reports came in that it had moved on and sought refuge up a tree behind the Haunted Mansion show building.

Animal control quickly arrived on scene to capture and relocate the bear off property.

This surprise visit prompted Disney to adjust its opening procedure for the park by only allowing access through one side while crews removed the unwanted guest from view.

Unfortunately for those who made their way into Magic Kingdom Park early this morning, wait times more than doubled due to half of the park being closed down while crews handled this situation.

The average wait time according to Thrill Data typically reaches 38 minutes around 12:20 PM EST. That number climbed over an hour due to having only half of Magic Kingdom open for business.

When guests arrived at Liberty Square and Adventureland entrances they were informed that these sections were closed due “technical difficulties”. These areas eventually opened back up shortly before 12:28 PM EST with Frontierland following close behind- except for Tom Sawyer’s Island which remained closed until further notice.

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