At the order of the Biden-Harris regime, the US Department of Justice is terminating the three-year-long China initiative, which was a national security program created by Presdi to confront the rampant infiltration of American Academia and Research by Chinese intelligence assets. This action is reportedly in response to a “string of dismissals of cases and complaints that it fueled suspicion and bias against innocent Chinese Americans” according to CNN.
Desperate National Security Effort Against China Halted For “Impressions” it Creates
This move has only added to serious concerns that the deeply corrupt financial connections between the Biden family and Beijing have rendered the administration irreconcilably compromised by the Chinese Communist Party. Any clear-headed view of the situation with China bearing down on Taiwan and ready to complete their assimilation of Hong Kong prescribes the solution that CCP influence be urgently and immediately expunged from every American institution from the University Campus to WallStreet to the White House, Pentagon, and the halls of Congress. But instead, this administration is obsessed with identity politics, racial ‘woke’-ness and optics is placing the security of the United States last when we should be on a near-war footing.
Instead, Matthew Olsen the US Assistant Attorney General made Biden’s priorities clear,
“Anything that creates the impression that the Department of Justice applies different standards based on race or ethnicity harms the department and our efforts, and it harms the public,” Olsen told reporters Wednesday. “I do believe that the China Initiative was driven by genuine national security concerns. But I’m also mindful that the department must maintain the trust of the people whom we serve.”
The decision by the DoJ is revealed for its sheer insanity when considered alongside statements made by FBI Director Christopher Wray who recently said “that the Chinese government’s activity has become “more brazen, more damaging than ever before.” The initiative has also been largely successful with listing at least 60 cases that are presently under investigation due to the probe as well as several massive prosecution victories.
Dheeraj P.C. of wrote in October 2021 “Chinese espionage cases in the US have assumed alarming proportions. On July 7, Christopher Wray, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, declared:
“We’ve now reached the point where the FBI is opening a new China-related counterintelligence case about every 10 hours. Of the nearly 5,000 active FBI counterintelligence cases currently underway across the country, almost half are all related to China.”
With this information in hand, how could any rational person call for an end to this initiative? No matter how it looks or how it makes some Americans feel, the very security and existence of our nation are at stake.