In the midst of the recovery bills working their way through Congress, there are reports that some rather disturbing amendments are being recommended.
Among them is that Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) wants to add an amendment that would increase EB-5 visas, which would significantly benefit Chinese immigrants.
Expanding the Visa Program
As part of the recovery legislation being put in place, Graham reportedly wants to raise the number of EB-5 visas from 10,000 to 75,000.
He is also reportedly recommending lowering the investment required down from $900,000 to $450,000.
These visas are awarded to immigrants who are going to invest in this country in the form of business opportunities and the like.
The belief is that these individuals would help supply jobs to an economy that is currently on life support.
The reality, though, is that most of these visas would benefit wealthy Chinese immigrants.
Mark Krikorian, the director of the Center for Immigration Studies, stated, “How can people pushing this not see how politically explosive this is?”
“An EB-5 increase would almost exclusively benefit Chinese.
“It is hard to imagine what they are thinking.”
He later added, “It is appalling – it is not even like in any tangential way related to the crisis we’re in.
“Anybody who signs on to this is going to get some of the splatter.”
Program Already Under Scrutiny
The program itself is already a red-flag program, with many believing it is nothing more than an auction house for wealthy immigrants.
The program had come under so much scrutiny in the past, Homeland Security was forced to rewrite it last year.
It is currently estimated that more than half the current benefits of this program are from China, so you can see where the concerns are being raised.
Now, imagine coming out on the other side of this with tens of thousands of wealthy Chinese suddenly migrating to the United States to take over what were once American-owned businesses or worse yet, having American business owners on the verge of closure becoming indebted to wealthy Chinese willing to loan them the money to get an EB-5 visa.
McConnell has already stated that any amendment that did not specifically address “this emergency created by this epidemic”…”should not be considered.”
Graham has not directly commented on the proposal, only stating, “Check with the Majority Leader’s office. He is handling the package and what will/will not be included.”
president trump needs to marginalize this rino immediately….
Is this language in this Bill part of Senator Graham’s New World Order ?
Lindsey Graham never quits being a slimy disgusting worm! ???? ???? ????
Last week Lou Dobbs showed a clip of Graham not supporting the financial aid package in the form of cash to individuals, saying we should help them build an income stream. Hey, Lindsey, how are you going to do that, when that’s the problem, they have been layed off from their streams of income. Then the same night he was on Hannity saying the aid package was the right thing to do, just the opposite of what he had said earlier. I think he’s getting as bad as Sleepy Joe. I’m from SC, but I am ashamed of this fellow. He is not my Senator.