There is a new name being floated for the 2024 presidential election.
I believe it is a bit premature.
Nikki Haley, who has stated previously that she would not run against Trump, seems to be testing the waters to do just that.
I Have Never Lost
Haley is someone that I could see being a VP or high cabinet choice in the next election, then parlay that into a successful White House Biden.
To run now seems foolish to me.
Regardless, she teased, “Well, when you’re looking at a run for president, you look at two things. You first look at, ‘does the current situation push for new?’ The second question is, ‘am I that person that could be that new leader?’
“You know, on the first question, you can look all across the board, domestic, foreign policy. You can look at, you know, inflation going up, economy shrinking, government getting bigger, you know, small business owners not being able to pay their rent.
“Big businesses getting these bailouts, all of these things warrant the fact that, yes, we need to go in a new direction.
“So do I think I could be that leader? Yes, But we are still working through things and we’ll figure it out. I’ve never lost a race.
“I said that then I still say that now. I’m not going to lose now.”
Well then, Nikki, I would not run in 2024 because you will not even make it out of the primary.
Source: Fox News