Texas Mom Fights Back After Her Family is Killed in Fiery Crash


When Peter Hacking and his two children were killed in a car accident caused by an illegal immigrant, the court’s decision to sentence him to a mere two years in prison was nothing short of a tragedy.

Collin County firefighter Captain Peter Hacking was driving with his four year old daughter Ellie and twenty two month old son Grayson on a Texas highway when their vehicle was struck head-on by an illegal immigrant who had fallen asleep at the wheel.

All three lost their lives that day, leaving Courtney Hacking alone to grieve for her husband and two children while also raising her four remaining kids.

She believes that since the driver had previously been deported back in 2008 this accident could have been prevented.

Margarito Quintero-Rosales was arrested at the scene of the crash and held until his conviction.

A Collin County grand jury indicted him on three counts of manslaughter but he eventually made a deal with prosecutors from District Attorney Greg Willis’ office which saw him plead guilty to criminally negligent homicide instead.

For this crime he received only two years in jail with credit for time served – less than six months total – which did little justice for Courtney who would be mourning her losses forever.

In her written statement she said “You weren’t supposed to be here…All of this heartbreak is because of you…Because of your selfishness, three beautiful people lost their lives.”

Courtney is now working with federal lawmakers in an effort to bring about harsher punishments for illegal immigrants who break the law as she sees being present without legal authority as an aggravating factor in crimes committed.

She explained that “People think his crime and punishment seem to fit because he was an illegal immigrant…I don’t understand how he did get only two years.”

Her ultimate goal is sending out a message that those coming into our country should do so legally or risk facing serious consequences if they break any laws after entering.

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