The Top News Reporter Fails

One thing about live television is that the reporters must be able to react to anything happening at any time.

They have to be aware of everything that is going on around them.

There are some times where reporters just don’t see something coming, or something they didn’t expect and it ends up turning out not quite the way they hoped it was going to happen.

Like this reporter that was doing a report at his local skating park.

He was doing his live report, focused on his work, when out of nowhere a rogue skateboard flew threw the air and his him right in the head. Definitely would make for an interesting sign off at the end of the report.

Live animal presentations on television are always able to provide a little bit of “didn’t see that coming”.

Like with this feature on a local zoo, where the animal trainers handed a massive lizard to one of the reporters. The lizard definitely did not care that they were live!

Now this is one that has been around for years and has reached legendary status.

On a local home shopping channel, a host was trying to demonstrate how strong and supportive this ladder was.

Of course, the second that he got on top of the ladder he came crashing down to the floor with a sickening thud!

This reporter made the mistake of wearing clothing that was the same color as the screen she was standing in front of, making it seem like her entire body disappeared and her head ended up on the body of some beer gut walking on the beach.

Definitely not the way people envisioned seeing her I imagine.


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