Watch: Smoking Hot Air Force Veteran Is AOC’s ‘Antidote’


Anna Paulina Luna is exactly the antidote America needs to counter the radical progressive leftists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Luna stands armed to the teeth behind the Second Amendment and she has a pair of guns of her own to boot.

The antidote to AOC

According to her campaign website, Anna Paulina Luna is the antidote to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s claim that Americans cannot pull themselves up by their bootstraps. She’s the antithesis of AOC in lots of other ways as well. Too bad she’s running in Florida instead of New York, or she would drag AOC out of congress by her hair at gunpoint.

Luna got some encouragement from President Donald Trump on Thursday even if it wasn’t a formal endorsement. Everyone agrees that it “signals Luna is on his radar.” After she praised the president on the second anniversary of the American opening of an embassy in Jerusalem, he tapped back, “thank you. My great honor!”

APL is the exact opposite of AOC in a lot of ways, leaning as far right as AOC does to the left. It has quickly earned her respect from “the hardcore pro-Trump wing of the Republican Party.” Matt Gaetz is firmly in her corner and so is Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA.

A hot race to watch

Florida’s 13th Congressional District is a hot race to watch this year. The Tampa Bay territory includes St. Petersburg and Clearwater. RINO turned Democrat Charlie Crist holds the spot now but not for long. The real battle is between Anna Luna and Amanda Makki. The local voters seem to be holding Makki’s Iranian heritage against her, even though she came to the states as an infant. The GOP wants to position her as the answer to radical Muslims Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. For now, she’s the favorite, but may be too moderate for the grass roots voters.

The real antidote to the radical left is the radical right. Anna Paulina Luna brings with her a “sizable social media following” to compete with AOC’s. Her popularity increases every time she “poses with sizable guns.” As Luna puts it, “I’m sure as hell not a politician. I won’t ever stand here and lie to you.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can take her bootstraps and use them to prevent her own methane emissions, Luna declares on her campaign site. If ‘the American dream’ describes overcoming the challenges of a difficult childhood,” Ricochet declared in a recent podcast. Or if it is something like “serving in the armed forces, having the financial freedom to support not only yourself but also your family, making a difference in your community through political engagement, or and finding love along the way,” then you bet Anna Paulina Luna is living that dream.


Her campaign site relates she is “no stranger to violence, grief, tragedy, and loss.” She joined the United States Air Force at 19. She became president of the Airman’s Council and earned the Air Force Achievement Medal. Honorably discharged following five years of active duty service, Anna earned her undergraduate degree in Biology from the University of West Florida. She’s known as “one of the most prominent Hispanic conservative leaders in the country.” Anna lives with her husband, Andy, in Saint Petersburg. He is a special forces operator stationed at MacDill Air Force Base. Now, she’s the AOC antidote we need.

  1. Generally, females in Congress lean left. Will she carry herself as a true Conservative or will she just be another Susan Collins RINO?

  2. You go girl…………….to have you totally understand what’s going on, how to challenge it, and on the way to Victory.

  3. Lean left? How many women do you know that carry an AR like that eh. Plus her husband is SOF wanna guess?

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