Biden Breaking the Law With Taxpayer Money


Joe Biden and his cronies are breaking the law. Not only that, they’re doing it with taxpayer money. As Andrea Widburg points out for American Thinker, you don’t have to be an immigration lawyer to know it’s the job of our executive branch to “enforce the laws as written,” not engineer your way around them.

A law is not an option

Our immigration law says that any foreigner who wants to live in America must “follow certain rules before, during, and after admission.” Joe Biden can’t wave a magic pen to simply ignore those rules, no matter how much Democrats want him to.

Worse, the Biden regime is criminally “robbing the treasury to pay third-party organizations to help people cheat.” Inflation doesn’t matter to Joe, he’ll just print more money to cover it. That’s how he plans to spend his way out of bankruptcy.

By now, everyone in America, even the Democrats, are fully aware of what happens when you implement an “open borders” policy. When Joe waved his magic pen to grant himself Imperial authority to ignore the law, he dug into the American treasury to do it.

George Soros isn’t funding liberal causes anymore, so Biden has been funding the Soros-related organizations directly. One in particular just got a check for $171.7 million. That’s just a single payment on a $1 billion contract to “help unaccompanied minors avoid deportation.

Obeying the law, the Vera Institute of Justice argues, is a “threat” to civil liberties. The progressive group based in New York “was awarded a Health and Human Services-funded contract in March to provide legal assistance to unaccompanied minors.

Their contract is up for renewal in March, 2023. If approved as expected, they’ll haul in “$983 million” by March 2027. That makes it “the largest federal contract Vera has secured for immigration-related services for any single year dating back to the mid-2000s.” They aren’t your ordinary garden variety liberal activist group.


Sanctuary for profit

Back in 2018, the Vera Institute of Justice banked a quick $310 million helping the Obama administration avoid deporting children. Along with federal checks, the institute cashes in from all the “sanctuary cities.” Helping migrants avoid the immigration law brings in huge profits.

In 2019, the institute teamed up with the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, “to create a program dedicated to helping illegal aliens avoid deportation specifically by providing them with free legal services.” The services weren’t free. They were paid for by liberals.

Back before Donald Trump was exiled to Florida, George Soros funneled billions and billions into the effort through his Open Society Foundations. From 2016-2019 Vera raked in a $10 million scoop of that pile. Soros crawled off to die and his heir turned his back on the foundations.

They’re left to scrounge their own funding, and not finding any. That means Joe Biden and his minions are stuck holding the bag. There is nobody left to help illegal aliens break the law, and support them once they get here, except the American taxpayer.

The Biden regime won’t even consider spending the money to enforce current law. That’s because he works for the global New World Order now and Brussels erased all the borders everywhere.

Biden treats the Constitution like toilet paper, ignoring his true responsibilities to hand American sovereignty over to European bankers. When those entrusted to administer and enforce the laws spend all their efforts working on ways around them, our nation is doomed.

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