Chris DeVries, 39, a sick BLM Organizer who was once known as “the rolling protester”, has confessed and been convicted of twenty counts of possession of child pornography. Disturbingly he earned the nickname because of his method of radicalizing children, teenagers, and young adults through protests like “Skate Away The Hate” that had protesters riding to and from a local New Hampshire park. He was initially picked up for six counts of possession of child pornography and possession of psilocybin mushrooms and falsifying physical evidence when he attempted to throw away his phone when confronted by police.
This presents to us a sick, disturbed individual who by day placed himself in a position of trust within a movement dominated by the young and impressionable would then turn to his devices and take disgusting pleasure in images of victimized children being horrifically abused and defiled.
“If we divest funds from police and prison systems we all benefit,” DeVries claimed at a BLM rally, someone with his depraved appetites would certainly love to see fewer Police Officers on the streets.
According to The Conway Daily Sun,
“The child abuse images reportedly showed underage girls either in “lewd exhibition” of private parts or engaging in sexual activity.
The investigation began when police obtained a search warrant based on information that Snapchat, a multimedia messaging app, provided to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.”
A Slap On The Wrist For A Sick BLM Radical
The worst part is that of course, he and his defense team tried to weasel their way out of any real consequences for the confessed degenerate. The National Pulse writes,
“DeVries received a minimum of a three to six-year prison sentence, which started on December 27th, a $4,000 fine, and must register as a sex offender and comply with probation. DeVries could be incarcerated for as long as 15 years, with one year potentially being washed from the sentence if he completes sex offender treatment.”
It’s a paltry slap on the wrist at best.
County Attorney Michaela Andruzzi pushed for 15 to 30 years in prison, a far more appropriate sentence given the severity of the crime and quantity of children DeVries contributed to the abuse of. Attorneys Mark Sisti and Wade Harwood representing DeVries argued instead for a year in jail plus sanctions.
But Judge Amy Ignatius thought differently from both legal teams.
“I think the state’s request is excessive given these charges,” said Ignatius, while adding, “What the defense has asked for is too minimal … These are incredibly serious crimes. … This is not a victimless crime by any means.”
The judge went on to explain that the children in DeVries’ images are victimized every time they are uploaded to the internet. She then handed down the sentence. Regrettably, this sick individual will have more opportunities to offend, we can only hope that he is stopped before he has more victims and put away permanently by a judge who understands the stakes.