China Is One Step Away From WAR


On Friday, August 5, China officially announced the nation is “canceling or suspending dialogue with the United States on issues including climate change, military relations and anti-drug efforts.” They also will slap a few sanctions on Nancy Pelosi “and her immediate family.” What she did was “malicious and provocative,” they fume. Breaking off diplomatic negotiations is never a good thing. That’s the penultimate step before war.

China one step away from war

Generally speaking, there are six standard options which governments use to deal with other nations diplomatically, when something disturbing comes up. Something like Nancy Pelosi paying a visit to Taiwan, even though China told her flat out not to do it. Beijing can’t ignore what she did.

They filed protest after protest before she did it, including an official statement condemning Nancy’s plot as a powder-keg waiting to meet a Bic lighter. There isn’t any aid which the Chinese Communist Party can cut off, to exert leverage on Joe Biden. So, that means the Pooh Bear is down to the final pair of options, sever diplomatic relations or declare war. Diplomatic relations just got severed.

Making things even worse, Joe Biden “summoned” the ambassador of China to the Oval Office and called him on the carpet. Well, Joe’s handlers and minions did. According to Palace spin doctor John Kirby, officials told Ambassador Qin Gang that their “recent military actions” were over the line.

Firing missiles around is “irresponsible and at odds with our long-standing goal of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.” They seem to forget that Nancy Pelosi was the one who started it.

Blinky Blinken was over in Cambodia when he caught wind of the disaster. He’s amazed that China would dare back up their previous threats with real action. “There is no justification for this extreme, disproportionate, and escalatory military response,” he blurted. Nancy isn’t worth starting World War III over.

These provocative actions are a significant escalation,” Antony suddenly realized. “They’ve taken dangerous acts to a new level.” No, Beijing reminds, Nancy Pelosi took things to a dangerous new level and they warned us all that if she tried it, there would be consequences.


Blinken doubles down

Our Minister of State absolutely loves to cause trouble wherever he goes. They’re still talking about him over in Kabul for the Saigon-like way he pulled U.S. troops out of Afghanistan with such precision and grace. It’s no surprise that he would throw gasoline on the blazing China bonfire.

Their retaliatory military exercises are unjustified, he declares. Meanwhile, our military exercises in the same area are perfectly harmless. Screw you, Pooh Bear, Blinken scoffs. “We will fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows.” Go ahead and sink my battleship.

When Beijing heard about the way their ambassador was treated, they “fired back” a response. An official with the embassy stood up for China noting “Ambassador Qin Gang totally rejected the so-called condemnation of Chinese military countermeasures.

That means up yours in political speak. “We have pointed out that it is the U.S. side that is the troublemaker to peace and stability of the Taiwan Straits and the region. The only way out of this crisis is that the U.S. side must take measures immediately to rectify its mistakes and eliminate the grave impact of Pelosi’s visit.

America better do something pretty quick to punish Pelosi in the media for her loose cannon behavior and also make some substantial moves to pull out the military presence and soften the Taiwan Democracy rhetoric. That’s the only way to keep San Francisco from glowing in the dark about a week from now.

That’s how long it takes one of their nifty new torpedoes to get here. “Taiwan is one of the very few issues that might take China and the United States into conflict — or even war,” the Chinese embassy calmly stated, with one of those “Billy Jack” looks in their eyes.

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