Criminal Arsonist Sets LAPD Station Ablaze


LAPD actually managed to arrest the arsonist who set their station on fire. One would think it would be much easier than that to catch the culprit considering the circumstances. Sane Americans are urged to fully exercise their rights under the Second Amendment for protection of themselves and their loved ones. Obviously, the police aren’t up to the job. They can’t even protect themselves.

LAPD made an arrest

The LAPD is proud to announce that they made an arrest. The Los Angeles Police Department has a suspect in custody as of Friday, April 7. The accused arsonist allegedly pushed a burning shopping cart into the Southwest Station in the South Los Angeles area. Nobody bothered to prevent, stop or arrest the firebug red-handed at the scene of the crime. At first they thought it was a man who did it and even had that wrong.

If that flaming delivery was coming through your front door the police would be elsewhere doing next to nothing so this is a truly stark reminder that Los Angeles citizens are totally on their own.

Due to an arson fire set last night, Southwest front lobby operations will be closed indefinitely,” the LAPD announced. Anyone with a complaint can go somewhere else.

Community members who would like to meet with an in-person officer or detective may visit any local station,” they tweeted. A single criminal put this one out of business indefinitely.

The important thing is that nobody was hurt, the police insist. “The flames resulted in damage to the building but there weren’t any injuries reported,” LAPD authorities relate.

The crime occurred in the 1500 block of West Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard at about 11:25 p.m. Thursday in the South Los Angeles area.” It took until the next day before they were able to nab a suspect. It wasn’t a man after all.

Held on bail

While practically all criminals are instantly released back out on the streets, officials are actually hanging on to this one. LAPD has a 30-year-old woman behind bars. She’s booked on suspicion of arson and being held until someone comes up with $250,000 bail.

Since police really don’t have anything else to go on, they’re asking the public to do their job for them. “Anyone with information about the fire is asked to call 877-LAPD-247.

An update notes that the suspect was identified as Mishauna Eaton and officers spotted her “about four blocks from the police station.” LAPD says that their arson unit is still investigating.

They have to say that but there can’t be a whole lot to sleuth out when a local bag lady wheels her shopping cart full of belongings to the cops because it’s on fire. She probably thought they would call the fire department for her. Considering most of the local residents shuffle around like zombies from the drugs they’re on, it’s no surprise what happened. What everyone really wants to know is: Where were the police?

Nicholas Prange, a spokesperson for the Los Angeles Fire Department, adds that “firefighters were summoned to the scene for what was described as a rubbish fire.

Photos of damage to the LAPD station circulating on social media show “the lobby with a blackened ceiling and walls, as well as broken windows.

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