Progressive Democrats didn’t believe that crime would skyrocket just because they crippled law enforcement. The light bulb just lit up for liberal city leaders who’s common core education didn’t cover what happens when you take money away from police departments. With their own lives in jeopardy, suddenly they’re wondering where all the cops went. They’re trying to buy them back but trained officers are in short supply. That leaves Imperial Leader Joe Biden grinning from ear to ear because his handlers told him to illegally set up a “Federal Police Department.”
Crime in the city
All those uber-liberal Democrat run cities who yanked the cash out of police department budgets are rethinking their strategy. It’s like waking up with a raging hangover, looking at the other side of the bed and hoping to sneak out before whatever it is regains consciousness.
They listened to calls from anarchists who don’t like law and order to “defund the police.” As everyone but the liberals expected, violent crime has skyrocketed as Antifa® brand Black Lives Matter™ foot soldiers loot and burn their way from coast-to-coast. Prosecutors simply dismiss the charges whenever a cop dares to arrest someone. Since that’s the case, cops say why risk getting shot responding and reach for another donut when the shooting call comes in.
New York City, Oakland and Los Angeles are all having second thoughts. Their crime rates are going straight up in one of those “hockey stick” curves Al Gore loves so much. Mayor Bill de Blasio is terrified that he’s about to lose his job to a man who started his career as leader of a band of guerrilla vigilantes who patrolled the subways as a public service. Curtis Sliwa, chief executive officer of the Guardian Angels, is running against him. The group of almost but not quite vigilantes was founded by Sliwa in 1977. He started with the “Magnificent 13,” dedicated to “combating violence and crime on the New York City Subway.”
Sliwa is such a popular guy that on June 19, 1992, he was “kidnapped and shot by two gunmen after entering a stolen taxi in Manhattan.” The “taxi picked up Sliwa near his home in the East Village, and a gunman hiding in the front passenger seat jumped up and fired several shots, hitting him in the groin and legs. The kidnapping was foiled when Sliwa leapt from a front window of the moving cab and escaped.” He was out of action for quite a while undergoing “surgery for internal injuries and leg wounds.”
It is clear that as police funding decreases, crime increases. Several of America's cities have fallen to the radical left–refund the police to reinstate law and order!
— NCGOP (@NCGOP) June 16, 2021
DeBlasio isn’t real happy that last year he made the decision to “cut $1 billion from the New York Police Department operating budget and $500 million from its capital budget.” As soon as Sliwa announced his intentions to run against him, DeBlasio found some change under the couch cushions.
He “announced stimulus funding from the federal government will allow the city to move forward with the project.” He wants to re-hire all the police to clean up the crime spree but they won’t return his emails. They don’t seem to care that he promises, “we are fully funding the new 116th precinct building and new community center.” Too late.
Then there’s California
Over on the left coast, in the imperial blue state of California, the Oakland City Council decided to cave in to demands of taxpaying citizens. The voted to “allocate $10 million to restore vital community services for fire and police.” The crime wave that hit there left nothing behind but devastation. Oakland’s Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong has resorted to begging in the streets for change to pay police officers with.
“At the end of the year, this department was impacted by a loss of millions of dollars to our budget as a result of budget cuts. Those millions of dollars were resources, they were officers.” Oakland lost virtually all of them. “We lost all of these resources and we’re seeing the tremendous impact that loss is having on our community.”
Reopen businesses and schools.
Refund the police.
Restore public safety.
That is why I am running for New York City Mayor
— Curtis Sliwa for NYC Mayor (@CurtisSliwa) April 30, 2021
Crime ridden Los Angeles has always been one of those places where you’re on your own without local armed guides but it’s getting even worse. Tourists can’t even visit the theme parks any more. LA Mayor Eric Garcetti bowed down to pressure from his constituents and talked the city council into coughing up some cash to pay cops with.
They think they can solve the problem by handing the Los Angeles Police Department a “three percent” raise. Hey, they say, that’s the best we can do. All the activists are “urging for the police to be defunded.” They don’t want any boost at all because it “will allow the department to begin rebuilding its workforce.” They “lost hundreds of officers this past year.”
LAPD Police Chief Michel Moore was ready to slap someone if he didn’t get more money. They “need more funding and officers to build task forces responding to mass protests and building relationships with protest organizers.” Hey wait, that’s us, Antifa® notes.
They won’t have to worry for a long time because the cops won’t be coming back. Instead, the Imperial Palace plans to install federal shock troops. That happens to be illegal but there are ways around it. They just expand the powers of ICE, the FBI, and the Marshall’s Service. It’s not a “federal police force” it just acts like one. They won’t be enforcing crime, they will be rounding up dissidents.