Dairy Farmers Shocking Admission


If you kill off our American farmers, it’s pretty obvious we’re not going to have enough food, Stephanie Nash points out. She’s a fourth-generation dairy farmer who also happens to be convinced that our meat and vegetable supply is in danger. She’s not even sure her family will have a fifth generation to carry on the tradition.

Food for thought

Everybody hates inflation so Democrats hid $369 billion on various climate change initiatives in the Inflation Reduction Act. The big idea is to “reduce carbon emissions by roughly 40% by 2030.” That sounds harmless enough until you ask someone who knows what it means. Like one of the Dutch farmers in the Netherlands.

In June, the Hague announced a plot to “reduce nitrogen emissions by 50%.” Their farmers took tractors to the streets by thousands with burning haybales to blockade food warehouses.

Those demonstrations are still raging on right now, with support and solidarity protests happening across Europe and over into Canada. North America is next on the agenda. In the Netherlands, the target goal means the extermination of agriculture as in industry in the nation.

Canada plans to slash 30 percent of their nitrogen and farmers have already slow-rolled through Ottawa in protest. They realize the food supply is in danger but nobody wants to allow the word to spread through media reports.

Americans are feeding into this lie that climate change is because of agriculture and climate change is not going to get better until farmers and ranchers do better,” Nash explains. That’s a big shift from the official story only two short years ago. In 2020, the EPA “estimated that 11% of the U.S.’s total greenhouse gas emissions came from the agriculture sector.

Putting it in perspective, its a lot less than all the other sectors. Compare that number with “27% from transportation, 25% from energy, and 24% from industry.” Targeting farmers is clearly unfair and dangerous for the food supply.


Pay farmers not to grow

One of the first things Joe Biden did when he assumed power was float a scheme to pay farmers not to grow food. The idea was to plant nothing but ground cover to keep the soil from drying up and blowing away without producing anything useful.

That he promised, would “reduce carbon dioxide and improve soil health.” He also “encouraged the Department of Agriculture to use farm aid funding to incentivize carbon emission reduction on farms.

Ms. Nash is concerned that “the effort to implement green policies across the globe will continue to kill off an already struggling farming industry that’s faced with skyrocketing costs for labor, fuel, seed and fertilizer.

Our nutrition supply hangs in the balance. The World Economic Forum keeps “scaring us” with its prediction that “by 2050 the global population will demand 70% more food than is consumed today.” they use that to justify “an overhaul of food production to meet that supply.” The solution is bugs or lab grown meat.

Ms. Nash was already forced to move the family farm out of California to Tennessee over “the Golden State’s restrictive agriculture policies limiting water usage” and “fears the U.S. will follow suit in implementing restrictive policies on livestock farmers already struggling to stay afloat.

The way Nash sees it, “they can say it’s for the future, and they want to feed Americans, but honestly, they’re putting chemically grown food into our bodies.

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