Democrat Election Official INDICTED


The Democrat chairman of Alabama’s Perry County Election Commission was indicted for stuffing the ballot box, officially charged with “felony and misdemeanor counts of voter fraud in connection with both the primary and general elections during the midterms.

Election rigging charges

Election integrity is above question, Democrats continue to insist. Not that it wasn’t rigged, just that you’re not allowed to question whether it might have been.

On Wednesday, January 11, board chairman Albert Turner Jr. was indicted for “voting multiple times in the state’s primary elections last spring.” He’s also accused of “ballot harvesting during the midterm general elections in November.

Alabama’s secretary of state and Fourth Judicial Circuit District Attorney Michael Jackson put out a press release explaining the election scandal.

Turner has been charged, according to the statement, “with violating state law prohibiting the fraudulent filling out of other people’s absentee ballots, and is currently under ongoing investigation.

Republican Secretary of State John Merrill “declined at a press conference to weigh in on how big an impact Turner’s actions may have had on Alabama’s primary and general election results.

Things are looking pretty bad for the state because they’ve “seen seven convictions of voter fraud within the last eight years.

Turner not concerned

In typical Democrat fashion, Turner continues to deny any election related wrongdoing. He’s not about to admit anything because if he keeps his mouth shut, the legal system should let him off the hook with his progressive get out of jail free pass. He spelled out his position on Facebook.

Turner insists that he’s “not concerned about Michael Jackson and his bogus change of ballot stuffing and mailing too many absentee ballots.” All Democrats do that, it’s the standard procedure.

Like the straying husband caught flagrantly in the act of unfaithfulness can look his woman in the eye while covering his nakedness and say, “wasn’t me.

Turner “appeared to suggest the indictment was a political move from the district attorney.” Election fraud is a big deal. We’ll see if he sings the same tune from behind bars.

Turner admits in his statement, that “that the ballot box was stuffed during the elections.” It wasn’t him that stuffed it, though, he continues to maintain.

Voters across the country are watching this one closely because election integrity is important enough that it matters to every American and seems to be missing completely.

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