Ron DeSantis just made an absolutely brilliant move.
DeSantis has a new recommendation for child rapists…
Death row.
Make Them Pay
Do think this will ever have a chance of passing?
Absolutely not, but it does force the hand of the left.
DeSantis wanted a law that would not allow the same thing to happen that happened with Nicholas Cruz.
Since there was no unanimous verdict on the sentencing, he avoided the death penalty.
DeSantis wants to remove that stipulation and extend the penalty to child rapists.
DeSantis stated, “One juror should not be able to veto that.
“I don’t think justice was served in that case.
“If you’re going to have capital [punishment], you have to administer it to the worst of the worst crimes.”
DeSantis has now put the left on the defense and the only way they can fight this is to stick up for child rapists.
I am thinking that will not play well at election time.
Source: Fox News