Don’t ‘Defund’ the FBI, ‘Disband’ It Critics Insist


Don’t just defund the FBI, disband it. Corruption in the bureau has become so glaringly obvious that many are calling for drastic measures. The Deep State is now so powerful that they started operating right out in the open. The raid on Mar-a-Lago triggered an explosion of conservative fury.

Disband the Washington office

The Imperial Palace propaganda department is announcing that Joe Biden is “strongly condemning calls from some members of the Republican Party, including some elected lawmakers, to ‘defund the FBI‘ in the wake of last week’s search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

They aren’t just calling to “defund” the crooked and corrupt bureau. They’re ready to tear it down and start from scratch. While the rank and file agents are generally hard working and honest, someone needs to disband the Washington Field Office, at the very least. It’s time for a major house cleaning from the top on down.

Even Mr. Milquetoast himself, Mike Pence, is hopping up and down in anger. That’s not fair, Democrats insist. Joe Biden, palace master spokesunit Andrew Bates points out, is already on the record saying he “rejects defunding the police.” That means he “rejects defunding other law enforcement, including the FBI.” While some are calling for defunding the bureau, most are calling for the head of it’s director on a symbolic plate.


Charles Grassley calls it an “infection.” It’s more like a cancer and every bit of it needs to be cut out and eliminated before it kills the country. Disband the Washington HQ, then bring in honest investigators to take their place, is a solution which makes a whole lot more sense.

As usual, Joe Biden plans to print up more money and throw it at the problem, hoping it goes away. Biden “has called for boosting police funding through the COPS program and hiring 100,000 additional officers. He also included over $10.8 billion for the FBI in his most recent budget.

The IRS got a few billion to play with, too. They’re hiring new agents with a thirst for blood. They only want the ones who can get gun permits and who don’t mind using “deadly force” when the need arises. Conservatives say we should disband the IRS while we’re at it.


Don’t blame the innocent agents

Even Mike Pence is buying in to the democrat nonsense that Republicans want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. He wouldn’t defund or disband anything.

I just want to remind my fellow Republicans,” Pence said Wednesday from New Hampshire, “we can hold the AG accountable for the decision he made without attacking rank-and-file law enforcement personnel at the FBI.” He’s absolutely right. Those aren’t the ones to blame.

The ones who need to be removed are the corrupt officials, mostly at the top, who put their personal beliefs ahead of law enforcement. Not only that, it’s pretty clear to most who have been following the news for the past decade that there are two totally separate systems of justice in this country. One to protect Democrats and the other to persecute Republicans.

The only answer to corruption that extensive is disband the top management and bring in fresh talent from outside the global New World Order sphere of influence. Otherwise, we’ll be right back to the same place before we know it.

Conservative lawmaker Dan Crenshaw points out that the Democrats scored a point by getting Republicans to fall into the “defund” nonsense trap. Reform is needed and we have to disband the core of corruption. We only look silly using democrat catchphrases.

The way Crenshaw put it, “I’m impressed Democrats finally got us to say, ‘Defund the FBI.‘ That makes you look unserious, when you start talking like that.” What republicans want is accountability. We want the law and order we were promised, not a Just Us department weaponized against conservative nationalist views.

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