EVERY County Sheriff Refusing to Bow Down in THIS Area

Sheriff, Newsom, Governor, California, Lockdown

California Governor Gavin Newsom just announced another curfew for most of the state. The bizarre move is a desperate attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19. Some Sheriffs in the state are refusing to enforce the tyrannical ruling. Citizens are sick of it.

Sheriffs defy Governor’s orders

Fox News Los Angeles is reporting, “We’ve now heard from every Sheriff in our SoCal viewing area. San Bernardino, Orange, Ventura, & Riverside Counties will not actively enforce the curfew order.

LA Sheriffs will take a voluntary compliance/education first approach, will not make any arrests related to order.” Reporter Bill Melugin with Fox LA later posted on his Twitter, “We’ve heard from the Sheriffs, we are now starting to hear from from city police departments about the curfew. Ontario and Laguna Beach Police Departments say they will NOT actively enforce the order, seeking voluntary compliance. Costa Mesa and Irvine Police WILL take part in enforcement.”

It’s about time some police stand up and do what’s right. Many patriots have begun to stray from the “Back The Blue” movement after seeing multiple incidents of patriots being arrested for defending themselves and police enforcing draconian lockdown measures.

The reactions amongst citizens is mixed. Some think the police should follow orders and enforce the lockdowns. Others are demanding Governor Newsom step down. “I was in support of emergency powers for the Governor for a 30 day period. It’s now 9+ months with no checks & balances.

He should not have the power to curfew citizens. He showed such a lack of judgment and leadership with the French Laundry dinner he should resign,” one Twitter user commented.”

The Democrats are total hypocrites and Americans are getting tired of their crap. Governor Gavin Newsom and fellow lawmakers just spent the week at a luxury resort in Maui Hawaii fine dining with their corporate donors, but he wants you to close up your business and stay home after 10pm.

Newsom was also criticized this summer when he closed businesses in the state but kept his Napa Valley winery open for customers. Unreal. In yet another elitist move, he sent his children to a private school this year while public schools in his county remained closed.

Do as your told

Dr Fauci recently said, “Americans have an independent spirit, but now is the time they should do what they’re told.” There seems to be a pattern emerging here. Do as we say, not as we do.

House leaders are holding dinners for new members. Meanwhile, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has set a limit on Thanksgiving gatherings in his state, saying no more than ten people can get together. He also warned law enforcement that they must implement his restrictions on the people.

Not only is this an unprecedented power grab by elected officials, it’s just idiotic. How can you slow the spread by closing everything down at 10pm? Does the virus only spread during late night hours? And what is the difference if you invite ten people to your holiday gathering versus fifteen? It makes no sense. Some freedom-loving patriots took to the streets of California to protest.

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