Former Agent Drops Bombshell in Testimony


The FBI has definitely been “politically weaponized” former Special Agent Nichole Parker testified. Not only that, the corruption is mostly at the top. She was on hand to kick off the first of many hearings in the House Judiciary Committee’s Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

FBI corruption affects morale

According to New York Post, FBI Special Agent Nicole Parker is convinced the Federal Bureau of Instigation “is plagued by ‘low morale,‘ has become ‘politically weaponized,‘ and has lowered its standards for new agents.

She testified on Thursday, February 9, along with fellow former agent Thomas Baker.

Her testimony was described as “emotional” as Parker related how “over the course of my 12-plus years of service, the FBI’s trajectory transformed.” Specifically, “the FBI became politically weaponized, starting from the top in Washington [and] trickling down to the field offices.” She’s not the only one who feels “as if there became two FBIs.

One to persecute conservatives and another to cover up Democrat crimes. She resigned last year from her job at the Miami field office. She also announced her departure to the public “in an op-ed for Fox News last month.” Her testimony on Thursday brought up many of the same points.

Parker told Congress that the FBI has been troubled by “one politicization issue after another.” She was particularly enraged by some agents in bureau vests “who knelt with Black Lives Matter protesters in Washington.” While agents are allowed to be ordinary citizens in their off time, it’s a different story on duty.

Although agents have their First Amendment rights, they are not at liberty to publicly express any potential political support while on duty.” Especially not while wearing “official” bureau gear. It was “appalling” that the offenders “were not even reprimanded.” She didn’t mention the alleged Hillary Clinton Fan Club.

A shift in recruiting

The bureau seems to be giving almost anyone an instigation badge these days. As related by Ms. Parker, “there has also been a shift in recruiting practices – a lowering of the eligibility requirements – which is negatively impacting the agency’s performance.

That’s not good for their collective reputation. “All this adds up to a loss of trust in the FBI by many Americans and low morale among many FBI employees.

Retired Agent Thomas Baker took the stand to add detail to his previously submitted written testimony. Known as a “legend” at the bureau, “Baker was the first agent on the scene when President Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981.

He’s seen a lot in his 33-year career. He blames Robert Mueller for the “change in culture” to an “intelligence-driven” agency. He also noted the FBI now operates “through deceit and deception.

Baker criticized the agency’s “promiscuous spying on Americans” via Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants and called the FBI’s censorship collusion with Twitter “a perversion of the First Amendment.” He also described how the FBI gets around laws against spying on Americans by spying on their foreign friends.

They would target a foreign person who was close to an American they were really interested in and then when they picked up that information on the Americans, ‘Aha, we got it in incidental collection,’” Baker said. “That was all phony and false. It wasn’t incidental collection at all.” Especially when they were targeting writers, including yours truly, with foreign whistleblower sources, like Boeing “half baked partsinformant Charles Shi.

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