Fox News Just Betrayed the White House

Donald Trump
Photo Courtesy of The White House via Creative Commons License

For more than a week, Fox News pundits have been critical of other networks cutting away from the daily White House coronavirus updates.

Now, Fox News has joined these networks by cutting away to go to panel discussions.

Requesting Time

When the H1N1 outbreak was taking place, Obama got wall-to-wall coverage during every briefing and nobody complained.

Suddenly, the Trump press conferences are being cut short because the left is touting them as campaign rallies for the President.

Up until now, Fox News had been the only network covering them in full, with at least one network saying the White House needs to request air time if it wants the presser covered in full.

CNN stated, “[I]f the White House wants to ask for time on the network, they should make an official request.

“Otherwise we will make our own editorial decisions.”

On Friday, for the first time, Fox News also cut the press conference short, deciding to go with a panel discussion on “The Story with Martha MacCallum.”

After the network cut away, several key speakers took the podium, including Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

One of the bigger missed details was the plan to try to get school lunches delivered to homes that have children to lessen the financial burden on families.

Communication is Key

During times such as this, there is nothing more important than communication.

While I will admit Trump sometimes goes off on tangents, it is usually because he is getting hit with either an outright attack by a member of the media or a “gotcha” question to try to trip him up.

Those moments have led to media members calling the press conferences nothing more than a daily televised rally for Trump.

This seems more like a way for the media to make Trump look like less of a decisive leader… a way for them to help Joe Biden since he is incapable of helping himself these days.

Considering the ratings for these daily press conferences rival that of Monday Night Football ratings, it just seems foolish to cut away from something Americans clearly want to see and hear.

  1. IMO: Fox is becoming no better than CNN & the rest of the LIBERAL LEFTIST News Stations! 🙁

    Citizens should have been allowed to hear this part!
    Quote: “After the network cut away, several key speakers took the podium, including Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.
    One of the bigger missed details was the plan to try to get school lunches delivered to homes that have children to lessen the financial burden on families.”

  2. I stopped watching (& trusting) most of FOX’s pundits long ago. I got selective. Fan of Lou Dobbs and Trish – until FOX Business canned Trish. For more than a couple of years the only one I watch (& trust) regularly is One America News (OANN).

    One big problem with FOX is radical libturd demoncraps are almost constantly featured and given massive air time to voice their complaints, demo agendas, and complaints about the Trump administration – and rarely are they corrected or challenged on their comments.

  3. David Taylor is exactly right about letting anti-Trump people rave on and on with no comeback. Surprisingly, even Sean Hannity let some black dude named Cornell, I believe, come on and rant without tearing him up in return. We don’t watch FOX to see the anti-American a-holes rant.

  4. under the current ownership by liberals I am not surprised, and I still think OANN is the best on the air, yet their reporter was removed from the press briefing for some reason

  5. If it wasn’t for Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Laura Ingraham, FNC would be just another liberal propaganda network like CNN, ABC, CBS, etc. Unfortunately, it’s going that way fast. Our country is in dire need of a news channel that reports the news, not liberal propaganda as it sees fit, the American people be damned.

  6. Sad that whenever Donald Trump speaks with the Media, it is nothing more than media reporters spouting off anti-Trump sound bites and gotchas. Then, of course, the media complains about Trump not wanting the speak with them.

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