It Has Been Declared a Threat to National Security


Climate change isn’t a threat to national security but the “green” policies to prevent it are. The Department of Defense has been screaming at Joe Biden’s handlers and they simply aren’t listening. They keep making the plans “just in case,” palace officials hedge.

Green agenda a threat

Joe wants to install a whole bunch of nice green windmills. The problem is that’s already been declared a threat to national security. Nobody in charge really seems to care.

The Department of Defense is trying real hard to get ready for World War III and the Biden regime keeps sabotaging the works. At least, this time it has nothing to do with drag shows at the Pentagon.

The green dream of offshore wind development will “significantly impede naval military operations.” That dispute pits Joe’s “aggressive climate agenda against national security interests.

The report which says that came out back on October 6, 2022. It was compiled by the Navy and Air Force. Bloomberg got a peek at it on Monday, April 17. Originally, the findings were “circulated with energy industry and state officials earlier this month.” They’re full of “maps highlighting sensitive military zones off the mid-Atlantic coast.

The Pentagon agrees with Kermit the Frog that it’s not easy being green. Not if you want a proper fighting force. “The initial assessment performed by DoD found complicated compatibility challenges with wind turbines near Navy and Air Force training.

The generals have their brass in a jangle over it. According to a Pentagon spokesunit, “the DoD continues to work with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, industry, and other stakeholders to identify the best locations for development.” Anywhere but the place they plan to put them.

Impacts military readiness

This discussion” the report notes, “includes impacts to the environment, shipping, fishing, viewshed and military readiness.” It also “includes mitigation strategies to overcome the impacts.” The best way to overcome the impact is scrap the whole stupid idea. We can’t sail our Navy around a whole bunch of windmills and still be able to protect America as a whole.

The DoD is committed to facilitate development while protecting national security, as we have done in every call area in the Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf of Mexico.” Meanwhile the occupants of the Imperial Palace are doing all they can to put rocks in their shoes. They’re starting to hate the word “green” as much as they hate “diversity.

Based on the detailed maps, the green dreamers blocked off massive amounts of acreage in “federal waters near North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and Delaware.” They plan to create “four offshore wind lease areas proposed by the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.

That may sound great to people like Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez but the Navy calls the location “highly problematic.” There are another two areas in spots that cause inconvenience but aren’t total deal breakers. The report notes those are “requiring further study.

The report, the Pentagon explains, is just the beginning but they’re surprised that it wasn’t enough to squash the idea from moving forward as planned. The green mafia is ignoring their 2019 declaration that “much of the North Atlantic wind lease planning area was an ‘exclusion zone.” They started screaming it would be a huge problem way back then.

The Navy has said there is not an area in that whole east block that does not interfere with DoD missions. But BOEM is continuing ahead,” Meghan Lapp relates. She’s the “fisheries liaison for Rhode Island-based fishing company Seafreeze.” When she “asked them on webinars, ‘The Navy said that this is a problem. How can you still be leasing it?‘ They’re like, ‘Oh, well, we’re just going to continue the discussions.’

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