Hunter Biden Frolics on Beach As Home Not Raided


Hunter Biden was spotted frolicking with his family, in the waves lapping the beach of a private South Carolina island. While Hunter Biden’s home is not being raided by the FBI, he’s free to forget all about tax evasion and influence peddling charges which will never be filed. He’s one of those privileged few who are totally above the law.

Hunter hides in plain site

Hunter Biden has nothing to fear. No heavily armed FBI agents will be pulling up his driveway to haul away his Burisma records. Senators can’t even get the Treasury Department to turn over the stack of Suspicious Activity Reports they collected.

Every one is a red flag someone raised about something that looked like money laundering or other illicit activity. We already know some of it involved wire transfers from Joe Biden to his son when the crack-addicted playboy ran out of money to pay for his Russian hookers.

Apparently, being under investigation for tax evasion and influence peddling doesn’t affect his libido in any way. Horny Hunter couldn’t help pawing his wife Melissa Cohen as they frisked in the surf with 2-year-old son Beau.

Friends of the Biden crime family are letting the whole clan stay for free at their $20 million estate. Legal questions about foreign business dealings and tax practices are something only Republicans need to worry about.

The entire Biden family marched up the stairs of Air Force One on Thursday, right about the same time FBI agents were raiding Mar-a-Lago. They plan to be there a week. That should give time for the shrapnel to stop flying over the one-sided application of federal force.

Hunter can ignore the entire conservative world from the insulated safety of a “nine-bedroom private residence owned by prominent Democrat donor and friend of the family Maria Allwin.


The never ending investigation

The FBI has no plans to raid Hunter Biden because they already have more than enough evidence to press criminal charges. They have had it since at least 2016, before the election. The tax investigation started back in 2018.

Just before the Biden family went on vacation, the news was reporting that the ancient and stale investigation has hit a “critical stage.” The whole country is wondering how long Merrick Garland can stretch out an investigation without ever bringing it to a conclusion. He learned a useful trick from gun-running Eric Holder.

Hunter Biden isn’t alone, Hillary Clinton is also above the law. Former Attorney General Eric Holder was once in charge of the Uranium One investigation. That one is still open. Star witness Douglas Campbell is ready, willing and waiting to testify even today. Hillary was caught in the middle of a quid-pro-quo to sell uranium interests to Russia in exchange for $145 million dollars.

Then-FBI Director, Robert Mueller not only knew about Hillary’s Russian collusion, he muled some fissile material to Moscow for her as a favor.

According to Campbell’s anticipated testimony, “Rosatom officials were engaged in criminality well before the Obama administration approved Rosatom’s purchase of Uranium One.” The FBI documented $2.1 million in bribes Mikerin collected and then disbursed through “offshore shell companies in Cyprus, Latvia and Switzerland” that “ultimately benefited entities connected to Vladimir Putin.

With friends like Bubba and Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden has absolutely nothing to worry about from the Department of Just Us or the Federal Bureau of Instigation.


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