Judge Orders LARGE Amount of VIOLENT Criminals to Be Released…Sheriff Issues WARNING to Citizens

Judge Convicts prisoners released covid-19

A radical Left-wing judge just ordered an Orange County Jail to reduce its inmate population by half due to COVID-19. Approximately 1,800 violent inmates are set to be released onto the streets. These Democrats are destroying California.

Judge empties prison because of COVID

A judge in Orange County California just ordered the release of thousands of violent criminals from the county jail due to COVID-19 concerns. He claims the prison is crowded, therefore social distancing measures are impossible. His solution is to release murderers, rapists and child molesters out onto the streets. Great. So if you survive COVID-19 you still have to worry about being knifed to death for your wallet. This judge is a moron.

The local sheriff is speaking out to warn the public. “These aren’t low-lying offenders, these are people in for very serious offenses: murder, attempted murder, domestic violence,” Sheriff Barnes told reporters. Wow. So the Communist state of California is arresting business owners trying to make a living, while they release thousands of criminals out into the public. Democrats truly despise hard working patriotic Americans.

The judge ruled that conditions in the jail do not permit proper social distancing. The population in the jail is 3,716 inmates and the judge ordered that it be reduced by 50%, which means 1,858 inmates would be released.

California Judge releases prisoners in Orange county COVID-19

Violent convicts released in California

“Of just those who are medically vulnerable based on CDC guidelines, that’s 700 inmates in our care,” Barnes said. “There are 59 of them in for murder, another 39 for attempted murder, and 90 of them in for child molestation and a litany of other violent crimes.”

Barnes went on to say, “If this judge is going to order the release of individuals entrusted in my care who I believe present a significant threat to the public, he will have to identify each one of those by name and order their release pursuant to his authority, not mine.” Hopefully freedom loving patriots can save California before it’s too late. It’s not looking good.

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