Is there anything worse than wishing something horrific happen to a child?
One would think no matter the differences that we have in this country, nobody would purposefully do that, right?
Well, a woke Hollywood actress was not above doing just that.
Just Sick
Amanda Duarte protested the overturning of Roe v. Wade by wishing evil on a child.
After the decision was overturned, she tweeted, “I do wonder how these white supremacist lawmakers would feel if their little white daughters were raped and impregnated by black men.”
Donald Trump got kicked off Twitter for his tweets, but she can make a tweet like that.
The only reason the tweet is no longer on the site is that she voluntarily took it down after significant outrage over the disgusting thoughts she had posted.
After she took the tweet down, she offered up a very lame apology.
Duarte stated, “I tweeted something extremely stupid and racist last night.
“I deeply apologize and will not try to defend or explain it.
“Again, sincere apologies to anyone who was hurt by it.”
I wouldn’t say people were hurt as much as they were outraged.
When you talk about cancel culture, someone that wished something so disgusting for a child should never be able to earn another dollar in this country again.