New ‘Engagement Council’ to Empower Parents


Joe Biden’s Department of Education announced Tuesday that they’re setting up a “a new council to facilitate better working relationships with parents and school boards at the local level.” They were forced into it when classifying parents as domestic terrorists blew up in their faces. Daring to criticize critical race theory and gender bending psychological birth control theories may be offensive to liberals but conservatives still have the law on their side. Democrats found a way around that.

Engagement Council

In the wake of “fierce disputes over critical race theory, masks and LGBTQ issues at schools nationwide,” The Hill reports, on Tuesday June 14, education officials rolled out a “National Parents and Families Engagement Council.

The board will “will consist of parent, family and caregiver representatives from about 15 national organizations who have expertise on public, private, charter and home schooling.” While that sounds good on TV, what it won’t have is parents or families. They only get in the way at the meetings by asking uncomfortable and politically incorrect questions.

Instead of dealing with conservative parents directly, the panel is supposed to figure out ways to communicate with them in a way that won’t lead to more lawsuits. “The council will meet to discuss challenges to local schools and how government funds are deployed to schools nationwide.

The body will also “work to facilitate better relationships with parents and families and help them understand their rights in the education process.” By “understand” their rights they mean accept the fact they don’t really have any.

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona at least gives lip service to the idea of accepting input from parents in the decision making process. They’re going frantic playing catch up from all the damage COVID panic policies caused in the classroom.

The council “will also help students recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, which at its peak led to massive school shutdowns, masks and other virus restriction policies, and the creation of new virtual learning environments.” The group will have an insulated “collaborative environment where we can work together to serve the best interest of students” but still plans to keep parents in the loop.

A child’s first teachers

The board hired liberal pros to come up with all the ideas. Organizational members already signed up “include the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, National Association for Family, School and Community Engagement and the National Parent Teacher Association.” They don’t want it to seem one sided though.

Because “parents are a child’s first teachers,” Cardona acknowledges, “there’s no one better equipped to work with schools and educators to identify what students need to recover.” The last thing the board wants is parents showing up in person because they might come up with ideas of their own. So, they’ll send out some questionnaires with a bunch of check boxes which parents can chose their responses from.

NAFSCE Executive Director Vito Borrello calls it a win for everyone involved. The council, he notes in a statement, “provides the opportunity to bring diverse parent voices together” while also “serving as a dissemination vehicle for engaging families across the country in equitable education policy.

For more than a year, parents have barged into local school board meetings demanding answers. Arguments raged over masks, book censorship, gay and transgender propaganda, and highly controversial “critical race theory.” That one tries to convince children that simply being born White brands them inherently racist for life, to be burdened with guilt and forced to stand back in favor of allowing someone else to get ahead.

The big challenge for the council will be figuring a way to continue promoting psychological birth control, disguised as LGBTQ “awareness,” to intentionally morph an entire generation into the inability to reproduce. They accomplish that by making gender bending manipulation popular and trendy. The only kind of sex that’s taboo to talk about in the classroom is the plain vanilla heterosexual kind.

Families with only one mom and one dad are frowned upon, especially when dad comes home for dinner around the table with his offspring every night, and asks them what they learned in school today. They can’t read, can’t do math, have no salable skills but can name 27 different gender names with all the associated pronouns.

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