President Trump hosted a roundtable discussion at the White House on Thursday for Black History Month.
During that discussion, former NFL safety Jack Brewer gave President Trump some surprising news, stating, “Mr. President, I don’t mean to interrupt, but I’ve got to say this because it’s Black History Month: man, you are the first black president.”
You’ve Changed Me
The mainstream media will never report stories like this because it hurts their narrative.
Jim Brown, another former NFL great and someone who has fought his entire life for civil rights has also supported Trump in the past.
Brown, a man that some have even considered racist, was pretty much called an Uncle Tom just for holding meetings with Trump.
Brown would later say that this was the first time someone in the White House was actually willing to listen and work with him, so he had no problem sitting down with Trump to talk.
Brewer was a lifelong Democrat, until now.
He stated, “You’ve changed me. You touched me. And you made my work go to another level.
“You inspire me. And every time I go into those prisons and I ask my guys how many of them had their sentences reduced and they raise their hands, I know I’m doing God’s work and I thank you for that.”
Brewer has been working with Trump for quite some on these issues and is not afraid to speak up about it at all…
The Media Twist
I can say pretty confidently that Donald Trump does not have a racist bone in his body.
I grew up in that area and Trump was regularly lauded by the minority community right up until he ran for president.
This is an invented narrative that sadly, most minorities are buying into, but not all of them.
As more prominent black personalities come out for Trump, they are starting to change people’s minds.
In 2016, Trump had only eight percent support among black voters but that has increased to 14 percent in the latest polls.
Even so, that same poll stated that 77 percent of African Americans think Trump is a racist.
They can say what they want but in a little more than three years, Trump has done far more for minority communities across the board than Obama did in eight years… the facts don’t lie, even though Dems and the media do!
That’s pretty much the problem in our country today . Most belive what their told with out checking facts first . That’s the democrats way . Get them to belive everything you say , then lie some more to control them with hate . Hate is the strongest way to control from all we seen so far . Hopefully with some big name players like brown and others that see the truth , thinks can change . And the truth shown for all to see . Like they said trump did more for poorer city’s then Obama did . The proof is there to see .